Sunday, December 12, 2010

Falling in Love Easy But Staying in Love Takes Work

When people fall in love, they do so for a number of reasons. For some people it is because they are lonely, and they have been longing to meet someone that they can talk to and spend time with at an intimate level. Though they might have friends, they feel their life is incomplete until they meet that someone. And once they meet that someone, they discover that they really didn’t need that person. They realize that they can stand up on their own. What they were looking for, they already had. They just never realized that. Thus they fell in love for the wrong reason and once that reason is fulfilled, they fall out of love.

Most people, who fall in love due to chemistry and not commitment, are the ones that end up being in love with so many different people time after time. As soon as the chemistry goes, they fallout of love and move on to the next person they have chemistry with.

The other reason why people fall out of love is due to their expectations not having been met. When they fell in love, they had high expectations depending on what they wanted. But after some time in the relationship they discover that their expectations are not being met. Maybe they wanted someone who would compliment them and appreciate them, but this is not the case. Instead they have someone calling them names and disrespecting them. After they have had enough, they fall out of love with that person and move on to a different relationship with someone that meets their needs.

A lot of people are rushed into falling in love by their families. You find they are always being asked by their friends: ‘so when you going to get married?’ Have you got a boyfriend/girlfriend?’ Or: ‘look at that cute guy’, ‘oh, isn’t that couple lovely’.So there is pressure for both men and women to fall in love.

The other reason why people fall out of love is mistreatment by their partner. When they first meet someone he/she is so good, so sweet and kind. But after some time they change and become abusive.

Guys especially, tend to be sweet at first and later change into mean ones. These guys that do, that are already mean but pretend to be sweet when they meet a girl and once the girl is attached to them, their true self is revealed, since they can’t pretend forever.But not all guys are like that.

And last but not least the reason why people fall out of love is because they weren’t in love in the first place. There was no commitment; there was just the idea. The idea of being in love seems awesome but it takes work to stay in love. You have to keep doing good. You have to keep appreciating your partner. You have to keep supporting your partner even when the times are tough you have to hang in there and stick together and solve problems together and enjoy victories together.

People have different upbringings and thus different goals and expectations. This is why when they first meet someone new, they want to get to know them and see if they are on the same wavelength. The more things in common you have with someone the better the relationship. Communication is the key to any relationship. Couples that talk stay in love and couples who don’t talk stay out of love’. Thus when you meet someone new you have to know them first.

Successful relationships are based on trust, honesty, love, tolerance, sharing and forgiveness. Most relationship breakdown is normally due to lack of one or more of these things.

People need to be in love because Being in love with someone gives you internal happiness. You know you are not alone. There’s someone out there who wants the same things as you and who enjoys the same things as you and who supports you and takes care of you and loves you and sleeps with you.

When people are in love, they are more organized and focused because you don’t have to look for a partner, you don’t have to look for love...Your partner provides you these things, thus you have more time to do other things.