Güzel olan Her günü seninle tekrar tekrar yaşamak Erimek yarını olmayan zamanlarda Durdurmak bir yerde bütün saatleri Bütün kuralları kırıp parçalamak Sonra varmak o yerlere Mevsimlere dur demek Kar yağarken çiçek açtırmak ağaçlara Güneşi bir akşam saatinde tutup bırakmamak Sonra doldurmak ay ışığını kadehlere Delicesine içmek Ve unutabilmek her şeyi ansızın Sevmek seni en yücesiyle sevgilerin Birlikte geçmiş, gelecek bütün çağları aşmak Güzel olan Sevmek seni Tanrılar gibi Seninle Tanrılaşmak... Bir gün bu akan sele dur diyeceğim, göreceksin Ne bu şehir kalacak Ne bu duygusuz sürü Bu korkunç kalabalık Her vapur seni getirecek bana Bütün istasyonlarda seni bekleyeceğim Kapılar sana açılacak Senin için söylenecek şarkılar Şiirler senin için yazılacak Her evde bir resmin Her meydanda bir heykelin olacak Ve sen kimi gün bir rüzgar gibi Kimi gün denizler gibi, bulutlar gibi Kopup ötelerden, ötelerden Yalnız bana geleceksin Bir gün bu akan sele dur diyeceğim göreceksin. Ben eskimeyen tek güzelliği sende gördüm Sende buldum erişilmez hazları Yanında sıyrıldım korkulardan, yalanlardan Duyguların en ölmezini sende duydum Susuzluğum dudaklarında dindi Yalnızlığım ellerinde Çoğu gün unuttum açlığımı Sende doydum... İlk defa seninle bütünlendim, anlıyor musun Anladım yaşadığımı her nefes alışta Seninle geçtim bütün zamanlardan Seninle var oldum Eridim seninle bir sonsuz çalkanışta. Boynunda bir yer vardır, ben bilirim Ne zaman oradan öpsem, Değişir gözlerinin rengi Yanar dudakların, terler avuçların Dökülür kapkara aydınlık gibi Omuzlarına saçların Gitgide artar kalbinin vuruşları Bir musiki halinde dünyamı doldurur Ansızın bütün sesler kesilir Zaman durur Bir baş dönmesi başlar o en yükseklerde Her gün seninle yeniden var oluruz Eriyip kaybolduğumuz yerde... Sesini duymadığım gün Yaşanmış değil Açan çiçek değil Öten kuş değil Yüzünü görmediğim gün İçimde yıldızlar sönük Güneşler güneş değil Seni sevmediğim gün Seni anmadığım gün Olacak iş değil... Her günüm seninle geçsin O güneşe en yakın Kimsenin varamayacağı bir dağ başında Uçsuz bucaksız uzak denizlerde İnsan ayağı değmemiş ormanlarda Uzaklarda, en uzaklarda O gemilerin uğramadığı limanlarda Işığım ol, alınyazım ol benim Vatanım ol, evim ol Yeter ki bir ömür boyu benim ol Her günüm seninle geçsin...
Friday, December 13, 2013
Her Gün Seninle
Sunday, December 8, 2013
The City
by Constantine Cavafy
translated by Rae Dalven
You said,
"I will go to another land, I will go to another sea.
Another city will be found, a better one than this.
Every effort of mine is a condemnation of fate;
and my heart is — like a corpse — buried.
How long will my mind remain in this wasteland.
Wherever I turn my eyes, wherever I may look
I see black ruins of my life here,
where I spent so many years
destroying and wasting."
You will find no new lands, you will find no other seas.
The city will follow you.
You will roam the same streets.
And you will age in the same neighbourhoods;
and you will grow gray in these same houses.
Always you will arrive in this city.
Do not hope for any other —
There is no ship for you, there is no road.
As you have destroyed your life here
in this little corner,
you have ruined it in the entire world.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Never Settle for less than you deserve. Demand the best,accept nothing less
To all the wonderful women out there: be proud of who you are, be proud
of your achievements, the successes you've reached, the struggles you've
conquered, be proud on how far you've come in life despite all the
nay-sayers, honor the talents in you, the kindness that you show to all
who come to you, your love and compassion that makes the world a better
You make a difference, you are valuable, you are special, you are one-of-a-kind, there never was nor ever will be another one of you. You got your knowledge and wisdom through hard work and study, so never downgrade your intellect for any reason, or belittle yourself in order to put someone else on a pedestal. You deserve the best, you deserved to be honored, to be cherished, to be respected for all that you are, and all that you represent with yourself, and your life, so surround yourself only with those who see all that in you, and let go of anyone who sees only what they want to see.
Never allow yourself be an option in someone else's life, to be an option, a weekend plan, or a second choice, because being a priority is the only place that belongs to you, and you alone. Acknowledge and always remember your true worth, and NEVER let ANYONE treat you any less than that.
Because you are a woman you have an inherent dignity, you are valuable, you're worthy of fidelity, you are deserving of true love and respect, and the honor of being the only one in another's life, never forget that, and never settle for any less than that. ..
You make a difference, you are valuable, you are special, you are one-of-a-kind, there never was nor ever will be another one of you. You got your knowledge and wisdom through hard work and study, so never downgrade your intellect for any reason, or belittle yourself in order to put someone else on a pedestal. You deserve the best, you deserved to be honored, to be cherished, to be respected for all that you are, and all that you represent with yourself, and your life, so surround yourself only with those who see all that in you, and let go of anyone who sees only what they want to see.
Never allow yourself be an option in someone else's life, to be an option, a weekend plan, or a second choice, because being a priority is the only place that belongs to you, and you alone. Acknowledge and always remember your true worth, and NEVER let ANYONE treat you any less than that.
Because you are a woman you have an inherent dignity, you are valuable, you're worthy of fidelity, you are deserving of true love and respect, and the honor of being the only one in another's life, never forget that, and never settle for any less than that. ..
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Don’t Settle For What Doesn’t Make You Happy
And then it happens. His calls and texts get shorter and more sporadic. You feel like you’re the one always initiating. And thus begins The Doubt Game. You question everything. Is he not texting as much because he’s more comfortable with me and doesn’t feel the need to, or has he lost interest? Should I call him, or should I wait for him to call me? I’ll wait. That will show me that he’s into me. But it’s been a two days. Maybe he’s doing the same thing, waiting for me to call him. Should I call? Oh god. I’ve gone insane.
You date. It’s been a few months. But it’s not the same. He’s more comfortable with you, yes, but that’s not necessarily a good thing. He’s cancelled or postponed plans a few times because of A, B, C reason. They are all legitimate and understandable reasons. Work. A friend needs him to do something.
He’s just not feeling good. You understand. You accommodate. Because you are understanding and accommodating. You really don’t mind. Isn’t that what a good girlfriend does? Be supportive? Laid back?
No pressure here! Whatever, it’s cool!
But how much is too much? That’s the question.
Relationships are hard, people say. Yes, every individual is different, with different needs and timetables. But I say fuck that. Relationships shouldn’t be that hard.
If a guy likes you, he will go out of his way to show you. If a guy wants to keep you, he will go out of his way to keep you. If other things are a priority in his life other than you, then he won’t. And you will want to accommodate his schedule, his moods, his whims to stay in his life. You’ll call this “being understanding.” You’ll think it’s timing, that soon enough he’ll “grow” or “wake up” or finally realize how wonderful you are, that you’re the one who has always been there through thick and thin. Newsflash, ladies. He most probably won’t. This isn’t Julia Roberts’ latest rom-com. It’s real life. And if he has gotten used to your accommodating him, he also unfortunately has lost some respect for you. Who wants a spineless woman who bends to your every need?
I know someone who is soon marrying his girlfriend of eight years. He admits that he loves her, but isn’t in love with her. He says that they are very different, that they don’t have much to talk about as friends. But time has built commitment, families know each other, and they are used to life with each other now. I said that sounds very sad to me. He said, “It’s not so bad. I pretty much do what I want.” He goes out with friends, drinks , hasn’t really changed anything for her and she has just learned to deal with it. Well I guess that’s good, I tried. “It is and it isn’t,” he said. “Because on one hand, yeah, I do what I want, but on another…” He paused for a long time before he started again, “I never learned to love anyone more than myself.”
That stuck with me. I always thought that self-absorbed guys with overly-accommodating girlfriends are sort of oblivious to their actions. But this guy wasn’t. He knew. He slowly lost respect for his girlfriend over the years. She never put her foot down and said, “DUDE. WTF!" If you want me in your life you can’t do that. PERIOD.” So thus the tone was set and forever followed. They never fit. They just learned how to exist. And now they are getting married! Hooray! And they will probably have children. They may live a long and relatively happy life together. They’ve learned how to be with each other in their own way. But I doubt as teenagers they dreamed of this. They are not friends. And that is not something that I want for my life. And I doubt it is the type of relationship that you want for yours.
I realized this a while ago. I had a habit of reading people very well and sort of becoming what I thought they wanted me to be. Which was myself, in a way, but not completely. It was a dating game, a strategy. I think to a certain extent, everyone does this. Both men and women. Put your best foot forward. And then after you’ve gotten more serious, more comfortable, you relax a bit. I had a boyfriend actually say to me after about three months of dating, “Well we don’t need to really go out anymore since we’re boyfriend-girlfriend now.” What? No more going out on dates? Um. No. That’s not how I want to spend my life. I like doing stuff, duh, be it with a boyfriend or friends. Why would I want to stop just because we’re serious? That’s when the fun stuff should really start.
So, I tried something new. Something so simple that it was revolutionary. Be yourself. Yes, everyone says this, but I don’t think we ever really get it. Be who you are. State exactly what you want. If a guy does something uncool, tell him, Hey, that was uncool. I don’t like that. If he gets mad and turns it around on you, then ick. That’s not someone you want to be with! If he says, “I hear you on that; won’t happen again,” then wow, he respects you and cares enough to try to keep you in his life.
It’s so simple and obvious, but I think it’s so hard because we really, really want it to work. We want to will it so. So we make excuses for them (See: “Oh, he is just really tired and has been really stressed lately,” “Well he usually isn’t like this, it’s just he’s going through something hard right now,” etc.) and hold on to every shred of good that they give us. If they do ten things wrong but one thing right we grab on to that one thing. Actions speak louder than words, but we choose to believe the words even when they don’t match the actions. We lie to ourselves, to our friends. We want it so bad, we think if we’re just good enough, understanding enough, sexy enough, giving enough, they’ll want us.
Fuck....that.... noise.
Enough. We’ve all tried it. We all know people who have tried it. Multiple times. How many times has it worked? Think about it. How many people do you know who have waited and waited, accommodated, curved their bodies to fit their bow, and Tah-Dah! They ended up living happily ever after? I don’t mean ended up together, ended up married, because like the guy I described above, they don’t fit my definition of happy. So how many?
It just doesn’t work
Thursday, November 21, 2013
My Routine Exercise
- First, you should do cardiovascular exercise such as walking and bicycling. Those exercises will strengthen your heart so it is suitable for you who just start to lose weight. At the first walking, you only need to do it for 10 minutes than add 5 minutes every week until it reaches 30 till 60 minutes.
- The second effective exercise is squat. Beside cardiovascular exercise, strength exercise is also important because it can burn your fats faster. By squatting, you can train many muscles at once. You should do it with proper technique in order to be functional. Place your leg shoulder length apart and keep your knees over ankle.
- Third and last is lunges. This exercise work on major lower body muscle and increase your balance. When you do lunges, you can just not to move forward but back and side as well.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
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Sunday, June 23, 2013
Can kiriklari

En cok sevdiklerimiz incitir bizi ve
en cokta en sevdiklermizi incitiriz.
En sevdiklerimizi degilmidir her an elimizin altinda
olan.?Ne soylesekte nasilsa beni seviyor, bana katlanacak dediklerimiz.
Sevdiklerimizin samimiyetlerine, inanclarina, sevgilerine guvenerek nede cok
uzeriz sevdiklerimizi. Farketmeyiz karsimizdakini ne kadar yaraladigimizi.
Bazen olum gelir, ayrilik gelir bizim yaptigimiz arsizliklarimizi yuzumuze
vurur bir cirpida. Peki illa ozlem
ayrilik mi gereklidir yaptigimiz haksizliklari farketmemiz icin? Oysa,
onlar degilmidir en zor zamanimizda
yanimizda bulacaklarimiz? Onlar degil midir canimiz yandiginda bizim kadar cani
yanacak olan?
Zaman gelir, insan en sevdikleriyle
bile cok buyuk ayriliklara dusebilir. Kafa ayriliklari gibi degildir gonul
ayriliklari… Insan gormeyince en sevdiklerini yanibasinda cetrefilli
zamanlarinda, bir harbede yasanir gonlunde
ve kafasinda. Uzunca bir sure direnir bu savasa. Bir bakarki bu savasin sonunu
gonul kirikliklari kazanir. Zordur bu sonucu kabul etmek, kendine telkin
vermek. Kolay degildir kirginlikliri su yuzune sali vermek.
Kim bilir belkide susmaktir en iyi yol, bu kirginliklara yol vermek icin...Belkide sadece yazmak...
Ya kırmamak onu nasıl yapacaktı.
Nerden bilebilirdi ki karşısındakinin kendisine kırılıp kırılmadığını,
insan olsa sorarı belki kırdım mı seni? Yada anlardı yüz ifadesinden…
Ya bi eşyayı, doğayı, hayvanatı kırdığını nasıl anlayacaktı,
nerden bilecekti,
ne yapmalıydı veya ne yapmamalıydı…
Evinde beslemek için engin gökyüzünden alıp
küçük bir kafese hapsettiği kuşu acaba ona kırgınmıydı?
… Yada bir köşesi ezilmiş olduğu için beğenip attığı elma…
Kendisi çok mu mükemmeldi de
bir köşesi ezilmiş elmayı beğenmiyordu.
Belki onu bile pazardan eve getirirken bir yere çarparak kendisi ezmişti…
Kendisi çok mu mükemmeldi…
Ben kırılmam ama ya kırarsam diyordu…
İmtihan değil mi bu?!…
Kalp her yöne, her şeye meğilli,
Insanin nefir her an pusuda,,
Etrafında ben..ben..ben.. diyen insanlar dolu…
gözlerine at gözlüğü takmış kimisi,
kimisi de tamamen kapamış etrafını görmeyip kendisine yaşamak için.
Hadi bakalım ben kırılmam da!
Diyen kişi gel de kırılma…
Belki belli etmeyeceksin,
belki söylemeyeceksin kırılmadım diye,
karşındakini kırmamak için!…
Ama ya ben sesi!
Fısıldamadan durabilirmi bu oyunun sonuna kadar.
Bir kez susar,
ikincide de surar
sen sanarsın ki “işte ben buyum ya kırılmıyorum!
… Sıra geldi kırmamanın yolunu tutmaya.
Ama üçüncüde öyle bir fısıldar ki yer gök inler bu fısıltıya,
tüm hücrelerinle hissedersin,
canın çok acır,
beynin duracak sanarsın, yıkılırsın,
kala kalırsın olduğun yerde…
İşte kırılmışsındır. Hemde hiç beklemediğin kişilerden tarafından,
hiç beklemediğin bir şekilde…
Imtihan işte dostunda olsa kırar,
Postunda olsa boğar…
Hani düşünüyordun ya kırıyor muyumdur karşımdakini diye,
Bilmeden, istemeyerekte olsa ya o zaman ne yapacağım diyordun…
Dostunda o durumda belki oda istemeden, bilmeden,
farketmeden, gafletten yada ne dersen ondan işte…kırdı,
yıktı seni kocaman bir yara açtı sana…
Bir kenarın ezildi
hani beğenmeyip ezik diye çöpe attığın elma gibi!
Şimdi sahip olduğunu sanıp çöpe attığın elma gibi,
Unuttuğun sadece zor anında aklına gelen sahibinde atsın mı seni çöpe?
Hadi bakalım filmi başa sar…
Çıkar kuşunu kafesinden uçsun,
uçsun özgürce hatta bırakmadan önce kulağına yaklaşta fısılda
Rasulune selam söylesin senden…
Biraz Değiştim & Değil
"Biraz değiştim,
Her şey kadar, herkes kadar, sen kadar…
Unutamadığım sözlerinin arasında sıkışıyorum,
Bir yanım kendimi kolluyor bir yanım seni
Ben benimle savaşıyorum,
Seninle değil! …
Sonucu kılıcı kuşananından belli olan bir savaşın
Ne kazanabileni ne de kaybedeniyim,
Sorun değil!
Her şey kadar, herkes kadar, sen kadar…
Unutamadığım sözlerinin arasında sıkışıyorum,
Bir yanım kendimi kolluyor bir yanım seni
Ben benimle savaşıyorum,
Seninle değil! …
Sonucu kılıcı kuşananından belli olan bir savaşın
Ne kazanabileni ne de kaybedeniyim,
Sorun değil!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
“Why did I write ?”
What I think most people might not realize is that quite often, I was
writing to myself. If I was feeling heart broken, or depressed, I’d say
the things I wish people would say to me. I think really good art is a
map away from an emotion or a map to an emotion and that creating art,
allows that emotion to leave the body of the artist, and so this was an
incredibly healthy therapy for quite a while. I got a lot of stuff out
of my system.
Part of me
Has Died
And won't return
And part of me
Wants to hide
The part that's burned
Once, once
Knew how to talk to you
Once, once
But not anymore
Once, once
I knew how to look for you
Once, once
But that was before
Once, once
I would have laid down and died for you
Once, once
But not anymore.
Part of me
Has Died
And won't return
And part of me
Wants to hide
The part that's burned
Once, once
Knew how to talk to you
Once, once
But not anymore
Once, once
I knew how to look for you
Once, once
But that was before
Once, once
I would have laid down and died for you
Once, once
But not anymore.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Jeremy Geddes
Jeremy Geddes is an Australian artist nowadays I am paying attention on. He is extremely brilliant and he portray extremes of emotion in his work.

The Street
most well known for his paintings of cosmonauts floating in empty landscapes


Heat Death




A Perfect Vacuum
"His paintings are highly detailed and often take months to complete. He starts with a preliminary painting where composition, color and tone are resolved. Then the painting is drawn up and mapped out using washes of color before painting begins. Once the main painting is completed he applies glazes and altering tones, adding depth to color and texture."
The Street
most well known for his paintings of cosmonauts floating in empty landscapes
Heat Death

A Perfect Vacuum
Friday, May 24, 2013
The Writing Dilemma
Writing is not easy. One of the difficulties that i came across is to declare a project "finished". It sounds easy, but I found it very difficult to do since I love to edit. I think, I readm I cut, I add, I reorganize, I add more facts, more examples. I think of better choices of verbs. I put a word in, I take it out, I put it back, I take it out. Sounds crazy but this is how I write. But of course, at certain point, I am trying to break this circle(it is not easy of course) because I know I have to be finished. I guess people like me cannot resist to learn more.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Existential depression
I copy-pasted these ideas awhile ago. Unfortunately, I do not know the source :-(
Some good points in the article:
Some good points in the article:
Existential depression is a depression that arises when an
individual confronts certain basic issues of existence. Yalom (1980) describes
four such issues (or "ultimate concerns")--death, freedom, isolation
and meaninglessness. Death is an inevitable occurrence. Freedom, in an
existential sense, refers to the absence of external structure. That is, humans
do not enter a world which is inherently structured. We must give the world a
structure which we ourselves create. Isolation recognizes that no matter how
close we become to another person, a gap always remains, and we are nonetheless
alone. Meaninglessness stems from the first three. If we must die, if we
construct our own world, and if each of us is ultimately alone, then what
meaning does life have?
Why should such existential concerns occur
disproportionately among gifted persons? Partially, it is because substantial
thought and reflection must occur to even consider such notions, rather than
simply focusing on superficial day-to-day aspects of life. Other more specific
characteristics of gifted children are important predisposers as well.
Because gifted children are able to consider the
possibilities of how things might be, they tend to be idealists. However, they
are simultaneously able to see that the world is falling short of how it might
be. Because they are intense, gifted children feel keenly the disappointment
and frustration which occurs when ideals are not reached. Similarly, these
youngsters quickly spot the inconsistencies, arbitrariness and absurdities in
society and in the behaviors of those around them. Traditions are questioned or
challenged. For example, why do we put such tight sex-role or age-role
restrictions on people? Why do people engage in hypocritical behaviors in which
they say one thing and then do another? Why do people say things they really do
not mean at all? Why are so many people so unthinking and uncaring in their
dealings with others? How much difference in the world can one person's life
When gifted children try to share these concerns with
others, they are usually met with reactions ranging from puzzlement to
hostility. They discover that others, particularly of their age, clearly do not
share these concerns, but instead are focused on more concrete issues and on
fitting in with others' expectations. Often by even first grade, these
youngsters, particularly the more highly gifted ones, feel isolated from their
peers and perhaps from their families as they find that others are not prepared
to discuss such weighty concerns.
When their intensity is combined with multi-potentiality,
these youngsters become particularly frustrated with the existential
limitations of space and time. There simply aren't enough hours in the day to
develop all of the talents that many of these children have. Making choices
among the possibilities is indeed arbitrary; there is no "ultimately
right" choice. Even choosing a vocation can be difficult if one is trying
to make a career decision between essentially equal passion, talents and
potential in violin, neurology, theoretical mathematics and international
The reaction of gifted youngsters (again with intensity) to
these frustrations is often one of anger. But they quickly discover that their
anger is futile, for it is really directed at "fate" or at other
matters which they are not able to control. Anger that is powerless evolves
quickly into depression.
In such depression, gifted children typically try to find
some sense of meaning, some anchor point which they can grasp to pull
themselves out of the mire of "unfairness." Often, though, the more
they try to pull themselves out, the more they become acutely aware that their
life is finite and brief, that they are alone and are only one very small
organism in a quite large world, and that there is a frightening freedom
regarding how one chooses to live one's life. It is at this point that they
question life's meaning and ask, "Is this all there is to life? Is there
not ultimate meaning? Does life only have meaning if I give it meaning? I am a
small, insignificant organism who is alone in an absurd, arbitrary and
capricious world where my life can have little impact, and then I die. Is this
all there is?"
Such concerns are not too surprising in thoughtful adults
who are going through mid-life crises. However, it is a matter of great concern
when these existential questions are foremost in the mind of a twelve or
fifteen year old. Such existential depressions deserve careful attention, since
they can be precursors to suicide.
How can we help our bright youngsters cope with these
questions? We cannot do much about the finiteness of our existence. However, we
can help youngsters learn to feel that they are understood and not so alone and
that there are ways to manage their freedom and their sense of isolation.
The isolation is helped to a degree by simply communicating
to the youngster that someone else understands the issues that he/she is
grappling with. Even though your experience is not exactly the same as mine, I
feel far less alone if I know that you have had experiences that are reasonably
similar. This is why relationships are so extremely important in the long-term
adjustment of gifted children (Webb, Meckstroth and Tolan, 1982).
A particular way of breaking through the sense of isolation
is through touch. In the same way that infants need to be held and touched, so
do persons who are experiencing existential aloneness. Touch seems to be a
fundamental and instinctual aspect of existence, as evidenced by mother-infant
bonding or "failure to thrive" syndrome. Often, I have
"prescribed" daily hugs for a youngster suffering existential depression
and have advised parents of reluctant teenagers to say, "I know that you
may not want a hug, but I need a hug." A hug, a touch on the arm, playful
jostling, or even a "high five" can be very important to such a
youngster, because it establishes at least some physical connection.
The issues and choices involved in managing one's freedom
are more intellectual, as opposed to the reassuring aspects of touch as a
sensory solution to an emotional crisis. Gifted children who feel overwhelmed
by the myriad choices of an unstructured world can find a great deal of comfort
in studying and exploring alternate ways in which other people have structured
their lives. Through reading about people who have chosen specific paths to
greatness and fulfillment, these youngsters can begin to use bibliotherapy as a
method of understanding that choices are merely forks in the road of life, each
of which can lead them to their own sense of fulfillment and accomplishment
(Halsted, 1994). We all need to build our own personal philosophy of beliefs
and values which will form meaningful frameworks for our lives.
It is such existential issues that lead many of our gifted
individuals to bury themselves so intensively in "causes" (whether
these causes are academics, political or social causes, or cults).
Unfortunately, these existential issues can also prompt periods of depression,
often mixed with desperate, thrashing attempts to "belong." Helping
these individuals to recognize the basic existential issues may help, but only
if done in a kind and accepting way. In addition, these youngsters will need to
understand that existential issues are not ones that can be dealt with only
once, but rather ones that will need frequent revisiting and reconsideration.
In essence, then, we can help many persons with existential
depressions if we can get them to realize that they are not so alone and if we
can encourage them to adopt the message of hope written by the African-American
poet, Langston Hughes:
Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die,
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
For if dreams die,
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams.
For if dreams go,
Life is a barren field
Covered with snow.
For if dreams go,
Life is a barren field
Covered with snow.
Langston Hughes
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