Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I learned the hard way that I cannot always count on others to respect my feelings, even if I respect theirs. Being a good person doesn't guarantee that others will be good people too. You only have control over yourself and how you choose to be as a person. As for others, you can only choose to accept them or walk away.

Everyone has had the experience of people coming into their lives. Everyone has had the experience of people leaving their lives. There is a reason for both.

He puts people together so they can learn something from each other. God keeps the two of you together long enough for that something to be imparted into each of your lives.

It is like the two of are working on two separate jigsaw puzzles. You hold the last piece to his puzzle, and he holds the last piece to yours. Neither puzzle can be complete without the other giving over that last piece.
What happens when the puzzle is complete?

When your mission with another person has been fulfilled, God will send that person out of your life. That is indeed not a bad thing. In fact, it is a good thing. It is God's way of saying you have learned everything you need to know from that person.

When God moves a person from your life, He is letting you know that you have learned everything you need to know from that person. That person has learned everything he needs to know from you. Then He places the two of you into two other lives to help them grow and develop.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Healthy Relationships with Your Siblings

I know that while growing up, your siblings are often the people who make you the angriest, most annoyed, and the last people on your list of people you want to spend time with.  However, they also are the people who most likely will be there for you in the end.  Here are some tips on how to keep the family bond from turning into a family feud!
1.       Make time for each other:  Whether you feel like it or not, I feel that spending time together is essential.  Plan some fun events to do such as playing cards, baking cookies, or going to a movie.  Showing your brother or sister  that you are willing to put all other things aside to spend time with them will really enhance your relationship
2.       Communicate: Taking the time to talk with your sibling is extremely important.  Not only would it be great to talk about all the positive things going on in their lives, but also the hard things.  Learning to be there for each other is beneficial.  Also learning how to communicate about how you are feeling in your relationship with them.  I always do my best to tell my siblings when I appreciate something or when something they said/did hurt my feelings.
3.       Listening:  Learning to communicate is one step, but the second step is listening.  You need to be willing to listen to how your sibling is feeling, even if you don’t agree with them.  If they feel hurt by you it doesn't matter what happened, what matters is that they feel hurt.  Do your best to focus more on their feelings and be quick to apologize.  Siblings seem to always try to justify their actions, but maybe try just saying sorry and see how that changes their response.
4.       Remembering:  It is important to remember the important things going on in their lives like birthdays, big projects, or special events they are participating in... If you can’t physically be there, do your best to write them a note to let them know that you are thinking about them.
5.       Being Trustworthy:  Treat your sibling with respect as you would treat your friend.  Be a faithful friend and don’t take the fact that they are your sibling no matter what for granted.  Also be on time and do what you said you would do with them, the way you would for a friend.
6.       Honesty:   Being willing to be honest with your sibling is a good thing, but also be willing to listen to their honesty to you.
In conclusion, the relationships you have with brothers and sisters are a beautiful thing even if you can’t see it right now.  The fact that they are always there can be hard, but really it’s the best part.  They will always be your sibling.  Take advantage of the fact that you have been given a person who will be a part of your life long term.  Some siblings grow apart as they become adults.  Some of the best friendships I have seen are the ones between siblings who put in the effort to be close and have a healthy relationship.