Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Suicide and Suicidal Behavior

Suicide is the act of taking one's own life on purpose. Suicidal behavior is any action that could cause a person to die, such as taking a drug overdose or crashing a car on purpose.


Suicide and suicidal behaviors usually occur in people with:
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Depression
  • Drug or alcohol dependence
  • Schizophrenia
People who try to commit suicide are often trying to get away from a life situation that seems impossible to deal with. Many who make a suicide attempt are seeking relief from:
  • Feeling ashamed, guilty, or like a burden to others
  • Feeling like a victim
  • Feelings of rejection, loss, or loneliness
Suicidal behaviors may be caused by a situation or event that the person views as overwhelming, such as:
  • Aging (the elderly have the highest rate of suicide)
  • Death of a loved one
  • Dependence on drugs or alcohol
  • Emotional trauma
  • Serious physical illness
  • Unemployment or money problems
Risk factors for suicide in teenagers include:
  • Access to guns
  • Family member who committed suicide
  • History of hurting themselves on purpose
  • History of being neglected or abused
  • Living in communities where there have been recent outbreaks of suicide in young people
  • Romantic breakup
Most suicide attempts do not result in death. Many of these attempts are done in a way that makes rescue possible. These attempts are often a cry for help.

Some people attempt suicide in a way that is somewhat non-violent, such as poisoning or overdose. Males, especially elderly men, are more likely to choose violent methods, such as shooting themselves. As a result, suicide attempts by males are more likely to be completed.

Relatives of people who attempt or commit suicide often blame themselves or become very angry. They may see the suicide attempt as selfish. However, people who try to commit suicide often mistakenly believe that they are doing their friends and relatives a favor by taking themselves out of the world.


Often, but not always, a person may show certain symptoms or behaviors before a suicide attempt, including:
  • Having trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
  • Giving away belongings
  • Talking about going away or the need to "get my affairs in order"
  • Suddenly changing behavior, especially calmness after a period of anxiety
  • Losing interest in activities that they used to enjoy
  • Performing self-destructive behaviors, such as heavily drinking alcohol, using illegal drugs, or cutting their body
  • Pulling away from friends or not wanting to go out
  • Suddenly having trouble in school or work
  • Talking about death or suicide, or even saying that they want to hurt themselves
  • Talking about feeling hopeless or guilty
  • Changing sleep or eating habits\


A person may need emergency treatment after a suicide attempt. They may need first aid, CPR, or mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
People who try to commit suicide may need to stay in a hospital for treatment and to reduce the risk of future attempts. Therapy is one of the most important parts of treatment.
The condition that may have caused the suicide attempt should be treated. This includes:
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Drug or alcohol dependence
  • Major depression
People who are at risk for suicidal behavior may not get treated for many reasons, including:
  • They believe nothing will help
  • They do not want to tell anyone they have problems
  • They think it is a sign of weakness to ask for help
  • They do not know where to go for help

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