Saturday, October 13, 2012


Why is it so hard to forgive, especially long after the event?  You have heard the words so many times, “forgive and forget”, “let it go”, kiss and make up” and so on but somehow it is really hard to do and feels false even when you grit your teeth and force it!

Why is it so hard?

When the offense is minor we forgive easily and truly forgive and forget. Many times a day we, all of us, let go quickly of small slights and hurts because we understand that we, too, say or do things that may hurt someone but usually they are not meant maliciously or are part of a misunderstanding quickly cleared up.

It is when the hurt is deeply wounding and personal that it becomes difficult to let go….  

It's easy to forgive people, but its hard to forget.. because you will never forget how they made you feel.

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