Tuesday, April 30, 2013

what makes me happy?

Learning, research, educating myself.
Creating something new on my own initiative.
Deeply connecting with family, friends and others
Tracking change and development in people, countries and the planet
Reverence and respect for Nature in all her element/s
Listening to rain, absorbing sunshine and watching thunderstorms
Listening to pop, soft rock,jazz and classical music.
Discussing good movies with good friends.
Bird songs
Home alone - or on a beach, forest or desert with God.
Walking at sunset
Generosity, grace and gratitude
The Mystery
The Big Picture
Round tables
Beauty in its infinite forms
Grokking it. Epiphanies of heart, mind and soul and how life works. 

Laughter in people of all ages
Luxuriating in a long hot bath when water supply permits
A two + hour massage
Organic veggies, pure water and great coffee
Food: Hot and spicy, subtle and tender
Cooking for myself and friends
Visioning and co-creating glorious new paradigms
Witnessing others in their passion
Supporting others in their creative endeavours
Authenticity, honesty and participation
Feeling vibrant and fully alive in my body
Humour and wit that produces grins or jolly good belly laughs
Living lightly
Being seen a new, appreciated and held in expansiveness
Abundance and prosperity
Verbal appreciation and clear communication
Giving and receiving gifts and offerings
Books, magazines and the internet
 NPR radio national
Travel and good cooking shows on the tv
Mentoring myself and others to their largesse
Genuine and rich questions from others
Travel, adventure and exploring cultural diversity
Quietude, receptivity, daring and focused action
Inner peace. Being in harmony, balance and love

Believing that everyone who has read this far regularly
experiences bliss on earth -
that makes me really happy.

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