Sunday, November 9, 2014

There is a Time for Departure Even When There's No Certain Place to Go

This pocket watch is no longer working, so it is permanently frozen at a quarter to eight - one can't help wondering what happened at that time, to make the hands freeze.

There are times where things end even when we are unprepared to let it go. Although there hasn't been enough time to create a plausible part of the future to go next, it is impossible to linger - because it is time to leave and move on, out of the way for the next group of people to come in. That is the thing about schools; they only get good when it gets to the last year, or perhaps the last term, and suddenly it doesn't seem like the horrendous hole which you've been trying to get out of for a long time - it seems like a haven, a built in routine where you know exactly where each and every room is, and who the people are. But then of course when familiarity sinks in, so does time; and it is time to depart, on to the next school which will follow the same cycle of adaptation.

"Memories are what warm you up from the inside. But they're also what tear you apart."

I guess by now I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone-you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence.



You know that feeling of finding out something you weren't supposed to know, or that you thought would never happen, and it's like this sudden huge wave of crushing betrayal comes pouring over you. And then you're just sitting there wondering, just wondering, why things turned out like this. Because they would have never happened in the past. And you wonder what you did wrong. You must have done something. But of course there's no answer, and you're left with nothing but a desolate feeling of emptiness and a loss of faith in all that you ever thought you believed in. You feel destroyed. Like someone casually stretched out their hand and crushed you with a single motion. Like nothing is worth anything. Like maybe you should have seen this from the beginning. And that feeling of not being good enough for anything or anyone resurfaces. So in the end you stop struggling and believe it because, after all, what else is there to do when you're drowning in a sea of numbness.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Aska asik... Tek basina...

Yine kar yağıyordu… Ağaçlarda bulduğum gibi, bir yakamoz da kar tanelerinde bulup da anlatamamıştım… Ne mutluydum… Aşka aşık... Tek başıma... Her şeyden habersiz... Kendi güzel dünyamda sessiz... Nasıl da kar tanelerinden biri olup uçuşmuştum… Sonrası malum… Önce etrafıma ışık saçtım... Sonra da... Eriyip yok oldum

Why Strong, Independent Women Just Want to Be Taken Care of (Sometimes)

written by 

"The strongest natures, when they are influenced, submit the most unreservedly;
it is perhaps a sign of their strength." - Virginia Woolf

Setting aside the fact that I have not read the Fifty Shades series due to what has been described to me as the books' rather lackluster prose, sometime misogyny and excessively silly romantic situations, I would like to explore the idea that mature, confident, independent women do sometimes face the catch-22 of wanting to be strong in the world while wanting to be 'taken care of' -- and not just sexually -- in romantic relationships. That is, some women want to be completely respected for their capabilities and strength of character while also wanting to be led, supported and cared for emotionally, socially and yes, sometimes even economically when they are with a man. The stronger a woman is emotionally or professionally in her daily life, the more she may desire some aspect of this.
This phenomenon may not seem fair to men who seek a relationship founded on equal support, care, understanding and check-covering, which, admittedly, seems like a fair request. I'll admit my proposal may cause a huge inner conflict for some otherwise-liberated women who do not see themselves as 'takers,' 'traditionalists,' 'needy' or 'vulnerable.' But as Stephen Marche states in his recent article in The Atlantic, "Home Economics: The Link Between Work-Life Balance and Income Inequality," "Today, men and women are not facing off on a battleground so much as stuck together in a maze of contradictions."
Nevertheless, strong, confident women who advocate for themselves all day in the world often find that they want the men in their lives to be giving. They want the door held open for them, a shared umbrella, an invitation to a date planned and paid for by the man in their lives. Given the way women work today, It's not that hard to see why.
There are socio-political, socio-cultural and socio-emotional reasons that strong women seek caretaking behavior from men in relationships. I break each one down below:
The most obvious socio-political argument points to the inequity built into the patriarchal political systems in our society. Women around the world hold only 20% of powerful political positions, and while our country claims to be post-feminist, we have yet to see a female President, the national female corporate board-membership rate is 12% and on average, women are paid about 80 cents to the working man'sdollar. Thus, the need for women to advocate for ourselves in the workplace belies the notion of true equality.
This issue can be interpreted in two ways relative to a dating situation: A man might say, "Well, then, wouldn't you want true equality in your relationships?" to which a woman might reply, "When I get paid as much as you do for doing the same job, and I don't have to trail-blaze or fight an uphill battle to make a name for myself in a man's working world, then we can talk about true equality."
I would tend to agree with the latter point of view. Seeing ourselves reflected in society as receiving less money, respect and opportunity than men might push women to be independent-minded in our professional lives, but these elements of inequality can cause even the feminists among us to feel that we deserve to be treated that much more nicely -- even specially -- by the men in our personal lives. It becomes a refreshing change of pace: When a man's kind treatment comes from a desire to give, we can relax, be ourselves and not have to push so hard.
Another key issue that unfortunately highlights the inherent inequality in our country and our world is personal safety. Nationally, 95% of domestic violence victimschronicled by visits to the ER are women and globally, one out of three women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. When discussing heterosexual romantic relationships, this matter cannot be overlooked. Women want to feel safe, and we deserve to feel safe, especially in the presence of men.
How can we tell if we are going to be safe? Some clear signs include feeling that we are being listened to, supported, cared about, emotionally given-to, nurtured, thought about with affection and gentleness and treated with forethought and consideration. And what are some ways for men to show that they intend to make us feel secure, comfortable and cared about? In my opinion. the answer can be everything from simple chivalry (waiting with us for a train or taxi, calling to make sure we arrived home safely, walking or driving us home once that becomes appropriate) to thorough planning (suggesting that the first date be somewhere convenient for us, asking what we would prefer to do, picking a restaurant in or near our neighborhood once that information has been shared), to expressive communication (asking us appropriate questions about our lives and openly sharing relevant information about their lives).
It is logical for women to expect that thoughtful, considerate men will take these steps as a matter of course, enabling us to feel that much more assured of our own personal safety.
To me, the clearest socio-cultural justification for seeking to be taken care of in a relationship is the pressure placed on women -- even in our so-called modern society -- to keep men interested over time and to consistently present ourselves for men in a sexy, flirtatious, enticing, slim-and-shapely and continually-youthful way. American media and male expectation have seen to it that women attempt to live up to these pressures and standards and this burden can cause women to go to excessive lengths -- including spending time, money and in some cases, enduring emotional distress -- in order to 'prepare' ourselves for men (and to prepare ourselves to be seen by other women who are competing for the attention of men).
We wax our eyebrows, legs, underarms, bikini line and more; sit through endless manicures and pedicures; purchase countless makeup, perfume and hair styling products including 'blondifier' and 'un-grayifier'; and spend our earnings on pricey and often-uncomfortable lingerie, push-up bras and body shapers.
Because we primp, preen, prep and prime ourselves in these ways for the benefit and attention of men, (let's face it, few of us endure hot wax for our own enjoyment), it is nice to feel that we are being taken care of or even courted once we are on the date that we have spent numerous hours, dollars and grimaces prepping for. For some reason, men don't seem to take this element into consideration. (I'm sorry, gentlemen: The fact that you showered, shaved your beard, used deodorant and perhaps even moisturized just does not correlate on a financial, corporeal, temporal, emotional or socio-cultural level.)
Relatedly, the ways in which men often joke to, with and/or about women, even amiably, tend to point toward gender differences and pressures. And some of this good-natured ribbing is acceptable, or even in some cases graciously welcome, if appropriate elements of chivalry are employed in tandem with it. In other words... go ahead and tell us we're cute when we're mad, we have no sense of direction, we're overly emotional, we're obsessed with greeting cards, our apartments look like a bed-and-breakfast, that we're ridiculous to wear high heels and then complain about them... but then hold the door, share your umbrella, carry our bag, offer your jacket, buy us a drink, take us to dinner, write us a thank-you, email us with date plans, call us to say goodnight and tell us you're thinking of us. You can't have one without the other. I think that's only fair.
Connected to the idea of chivalry in the socio-cultural realm is the idea of not wanting each date to feel like a business negotiation, which can be stressful and cause awkward tension. When a man plans a fun excursion or suggests a new restaurant and pays for the couple, the date becomes both simpler and more romantic; thus, even women who are fully capable of planning an outing or footing a bill often prefer this mode, at least at the beginning of a relationship. (As time goes on, reciprocity occurs in terms of planning and paying, and thus the dates can continue to be more romantic than splitting everything in half.)
As for socio-emotional rationale, which I think is paramount, in American society (and yes this is a broad generalization), women are socialized to be giving, caring, cooperative, communicative 'connectors.' We are taught to seek and preserve intimacy and to take care of and be responsible for others, while men are given very little of this socialization if at all.
Women tend to babysit from a young age; we play and talk in deeply supportive groups from childhood through adulthood; we are often taught to cook with each other as a giving social activity (whether we've internalized those lessons or not is another story!). We often take on the responsibility of keeping calendars and schedules, whether they are for our families or our offices; we teach and nurse and counsel, making up the majority of most social service professions. We are giving and helping, loving and sharing; we support each other emotionally and we know how to take care of people.
In men, these skills are far less emphasized and valued (at least in the workforce), so it's only natural that we desire to see some evidence of them upfront in a dating situation, in the form of calling, planning, asking, sharing, helping, offering an arm or a jacket, walking us home, holding a car door... and even paying a check. A man's ability to demonstrate that he can be giving, emotionally and otherwise, is vital in the early stages of a relationship.
And why is it so important for us to see indications of a man's ability to care-take?
First, as strong, confident women we have enough self-esteem to know our intrinsic worth and to expect someone who respects us, who will continually be there for us and who will remain interested and dedicated enough to want to care for and about us for years to come. Those of us who are lucky have our parents, including caring and devoted fathers, to lovingly thank for that. As therapist Dr. Kelly Flanagan wrote in an open letter to his daughter:
Little One, your only task is to know deeply in your soul -- in that unshakeable place that isn't rattled by rejection and loss and ego -- that you are worthy of interest... If you can trust your worth in this way, you will be attractive in the most important sense of the word: you will attract a boy who is both capable of interest and who wants to spend his one life investing all of his interest in you... I don't care if he was raised in this religion or that religion or no religion -- as long as he was raised to value the sacred and to know every moment of life, and every moment of life with you, is deeply sacred.
The Emotional Biological Imperative
In addition to bringing peace of mind to a self-assured woman, this need to see a man's ability to be selfless and take care of others at the outset of a relationship comes (perhaps controversially, but nevertheless quite commonly) from a woman's desire to seek someone whom she can imagine taking care of her while she is pregnant, in labor, recovering from delivery, nursing, weaning and/or unfortunately, sometimes going through the emotional and physical pain of miscarriages or infertility issues. By our mid-30's, women have seen many of our friends go through these milestones and traumas and we have seen that it takes a real man (read: a caring, steadfast, supportive and giving man) to stand by their side and be there for them through the difficulties as well as the joys in life. This includes caring for them in countless emotional and practical ways including listening and giving guidance; showing concern, gentleness, attention, and affection; and performing acts of kindness and helpfulness.
Following this (admittedly traditional) line of thought, women also seek caregiving ability in a man who will be father to their children. Will he be there for them, support them and provide love and a sense of security? Again, this will include taking care of those children in innumerable emotional and practical ways.
Therefore, it becomes crucial, even in the beginning stages of a relationship, for a woman who is interested in these life path choices to see that a man has "staying power," that is, the desire to give, to provide steadfast support and to go out of his way to show his caring, as these behaviors are signs that he possesses mature emotional development, understands what a serious relationship potentially entails and intends to show up for it. The more a woman sees a man as a potential partner, the more seeing evidence of this type of behavior becomes significant.
A Note for Men:
Of course, a woman in a relationship should be willing to plan and treat for various meals and outings, offer practical help when needed and make her feelings clear so that her partner feels safe and loved. Some men have had unfortunate experiences with women who were consistently selfish either practically, emotionally and/or economically, and it is understandable that this may have caused them to become embittered and cynical. It is essential that those men hear and take to heart the following: Not all women are 'takers' -- spoiled, entitled, difficult and/or withholding. Most women are kind, reasonable, realistic people who want to make sure that their partner feels secure and loved. Most are not asking for fancy meals, fancy trips or fancy things; they know that the company is always the most important factor. They simply want to feel taken care of, and it is important not to confuse them with the women who have withheld love and support or prioritized money and status and thus caused hurt feelings.
The Bottom Line:
The bottom line for mature, independent, confident women is this: We've lived happily on our own for many years, and we'd rather be on our own and not be taken care of than be with someone and not feel taken care of. If we're going to be with somebody long-term, we want to find the man who loves our strength and wants to make us feel cared for in the ways I have discussed. And for the reasons I've discussed, we're not going to apologize for it.
Of course, this becomes a very tricky endeavor, because when we are dating, we either have to find a way of tactfully articulating our aforementioned paradox of strength and the need for care, or we have to find a man who intuits our needs -- who has the desire to care-take while fully respecting us; who is strong, sharing and supportive while acknowledging and enjoying our strength; who is wholeheartedly giving in the right ways at the right times. For the record, and with years of action research to my name, I can confirm: It is very a tricky pursuit indeed.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What music means to you?

What music means to you?

 Well, surely this is one of those questions for which you know the answer but you just can’t describe satisfactorily. So, here is my try.

I believe there is no Music, No Song, No Rhythm exists which you can’t relate your life with. Music is the most powerful element that can drive you from moods and situations. Music is enormous source of instant energy, it thrills n’ chills.

Imagine a strongest tsunami or a volcano or a tornado… nothing can beat the impact of music. Music ON and Boom… it takes you. It has life within it.

Music teaches you ways to live, makes you feel, explains you things and situations. It encourages you, motivates you. It pours energy into you. Music can make you cross your boundaries and you’ll feel powerful like never before.  Music is food for soul.

Music is an ocean of joy, sinking is the only desire I’d have. When you like something it goes straight to your heart, mind, blood and it runs in your body, charging you and changing you. Music is a wound you’ll always like to remain unhealed. The world will not be same, music changes it. It changes rather improves your view, your perception or deception.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Kusursuz bir tekbaşınalık

“Yalnızlık ile tek başınalık arasında büyük bir fark vardır. Yalnız olduğunuz zaman bir başkasını düşünmektesinizdir, bir başkasını özlemektesinizdir. Yalnızlık olumsuz bir durumdur. Diğeri yanınızda olsa çok iyi olacaktır, ama değildir. Kişinin er ya da geç yalnızlıkla karşı karşıya gelmesi gerekir. Bir kez onunla yüzleştiğinde, yalnızlık renk değiştirir, nitelik değiştirir. Tek başınalığa dönüşür. Yalnızlık diğerinin yokluğudur. Tek başınalık, yanınızda kendinizin olmasıdır“

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sometimes, a few words can make my day that much better.

Love is a funny thing
Whenever I give it, it comes back to me
And it's wonderful to be
Giving with my whole heart
As my heart receives
Your love

Oh, ain't it nice tonight we've got each other
And I am right beside you
More than just a partner or a lover
I'm your friend

When you love someone
Your heartbeat beats so loud
When you love someone
Your feet can't feel the ground

Shining stars all seem
To congregate around your face
When you love someone
It comes back to you

And love is a funny thing
It's making my blood flow with energy
And it's like an awakened dream
As what I've been wishing for, is happening
And it's right on time

Oh ain't it nice this life, we've got each other
And I am right beside you
More than just a partner or a lover
I'm your friend

When you love someone
Your heartbeat beats so loud
When you love someone
Your feet can't feel the ground

Shining stars all seem
To congregate around your face
When you love someone
When you love someone

We're gonna give ourselves to love tonight
Lifting up to touch the starlight
And we will savor every second
We suspend together
You and I will
You and I will
You and I will

When you love someone
Your heartbeat beats so loud
When you love someone
Your feet can't feel the ground

Shining stars all seem
To congregate around your face
When you love someone
It comes back to you

Time, Dear Friend

Yet again, that time has come.

Half way through somewhere, halfway more to go.

So much has come out of this period so far, and so more is yet to come.

There has been so much done, and so much to do.

But sometimes...I wonder...

If I rewound it all over again, would things have turned out differently or the same?

Maybe...if we could start again, everything would have been for the better?

Maybe if we started again, I wouldn't have fallen into this widening hole in the ground that I didn't see.

Maybe things could have turned out differently, and we would have been happier...

Only time, my friend, can tell.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ask-i Hayal

Sevmek seni,
Zor değil, ân meselesi.
Peki ya sonrası?
Çarem mi, çaresizliğim misin?
Kimsin sen?
Hadi, anlat bana içimde ki 'seni'


Rüzgar okşa onun saçlarını benim yerime.. fısılda kulağına sevdiğimi..
Rüzgar dolaş onun etrafında dön gel bana, getir onun bıraktığı nefesi..
Sırılsıklam aşığım.. sarılsa kucaklasa.. kurusam koynunda.
Manasızca bağlıyım.. sussam konuşmasam duysa anlasa… 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I learned the hard way that I cannot always count on others to respect my feelings, even if I respect theirs. Being a good person doesn't guarantee that others will be good people too. You only have control over yourself and how you choose to be as a person. As for others, you can only choose to accept them or walk away.

Everyone has had the experience of people coming into their lives. Everyone has had the experience of people leaving their lives. There is a reason for both.

He puts people together so they can learn something from each other. God keeps the two of you together long enough for that something to be imparted into each of your lives.

It is like the two of are working on two separate jigsaw puzzles. You hold the last piece to his puzzle, and he holds the last piece to yours. Neither puzzle can be complete without the other giving over that last piece.
What happens when the puzzle is complete?

When your mission with another person has been fulfilled, God will send that person out of your life. That is indeed not a bad thing. In fact, it is a good thing. It is God's way of saying you have learned everything you need to know from that person.

When God moves a person from your life, He is letting you know that you have learned everything you need to know from that person. That person has learned everything he needs to know from you. Then He places the two of you into two other lives to help them grow and develop.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Healthy Relationships with Your Siblings

I know that while growing up, your siblings are often the people who make you the angriest, most annoyed, and the last people on your list of people you want to spend time with.  However, they also are the people who most likely will be there for you in the end.  Here are some tips on how to keep the family bond from turning into a family feud!
1.       Make time for each other:  Whether you feel like it or not, I feel that spending time together is essential.  Plan some fun events to do such as playing cards, baking cookies, or going to a movie.  Showing your brother or sister  that you are willing to put all other things aside to spend time with them will really enhance your relationship
2.       Communicate: Taking the time to talk with your sibling is extremely important.  Not only would it be great to talk about all the positive things going on in their lives, but also the hard things.  Learning to be there for each other is beneficial.  Also learning how to communicate about how you are feeling in your relationship with them.  I always do my best to tell my siblings when I appreciate something or when something they said/did hurt my feelings.
3.       Listening:  Learning to communicate is one step, but the second step is listening.  You need to be willing to listen to how your sibling is feeling, even if you don’t agree with them.  If they feel hurt by you it doesn't matter what happened, what matters is that they feel hurt.  Do your best to focus more on their feelings and be quick to apologize.  Siblings seem to always try to justify their actions, but maybe try just saying sorry and see how that changes their response.
4.       Remembering:  It is important to remember the important things going on in their lives like birthdays, big projects, or special events they are participating in... If you can’t physically be there, do your best to write them a note to let them know that you are thinking about them.
5.       Being Trustworthy:  Treat your sibling with respect as you would treat your friend.  Be a faithful friend and don’t take the fact that they are your sibling no matter what for granted.  Also be on time and do what you said you would do with them, the way you would for a friend.
6.       Honesty:   Being willing to be honest with your sibling is a good thing, but also be willing to listen to their honesty to you.
In conclusion, the relationships you have with brothers and sisters are a beautiful thing even if you can’t see it right now.  The fact that they are always there can be hard, but really it’s the best part.  They will always be your sibling.  Take advantage of the fact that you have been given a person who will be a part of your life long term.  Some siblings grow apart as they become adults.  Some of the best friendships I have seen are the ones between siblings who put in the effort to be close and have a healthy relationship.  

Friday, March 14, 2014

Black Gold

“If Music is a Place -- then Jazz is the City, Folk is the Wilderness, Rock is the Road, Classical is a Temple.”

 Sometimes when I listen to jazz, it makes me nostalgic. Either for a period of time in my own life, or a period of time I wasn't alive for. Like, sometimes I listen to older jazz albums, and I sometimes wish I was walking around the streets of NYC, at dusk, in the 1950s.

But, jazz almost never makes me sad, if anything, it inspires me, or at least makes me feel better (like the blues), or makes me happy. Even the most painful solo from a sax player ("who hurt this man?") will overwhelm me with good vibes. This music is sometimes best on a rainy day.

Then there's fusion. 70s Miles is like taking a trip through the recesses of your mind, or other worlds. Sometimes, it's the dark depths of the jungle. 80s and 90s fusion sometimes makes me think of walking around a college campus, in the halls of a basement or something like that. Some of that late 90s/2000s fusion reminds me of walks I sometimes take at night.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


"Get scared. It will do you good. Smoke a bit, stare blankly at some ceilings, beat your head against some walls, refuse to see some people, paint and write. Get scared some more. Allow your little mind to do nothing but function. Stay inside, go out - I don’t care what you’ll do; but stay scared as hell. You will never be able to experience everything. So, please, do poetical justice to your soul and simply experience yourself."

— Albert Camus, Notebooks 1951-1959