Saturday, March 19, 2011

I feel so blessed!

I'm sure you are wondering, why does she feel blessed? Well this is why, i have been taking a lot of time out to just think, think about my life, think about my family and to think about what i really want in life...what has recently happened with my grandmother and my aunt and all that had really got me thinking about taking things for granted and never knowing what is going to happen next. I realized you never know when that thing or Person will be taken out of your life. I feel blessed because i have so many people in my life that love, care and cherish me for the person i am! I have learned a lot about my relationship with others as well.

I needed to move away to truly find myself, and what i have found? I proud independent women that know she can make it through any situation that may come her way! Women that admires those in her life, women that cherishes every moment she is alive! I am that women, i have learned that no matter what is thrown my way i will take it on! I can honestly say that i am proud of the person i am, was and am becoming! I love myself! Not to long ago someone very close to me told me that you cannot truly love someone until you truly love yourself, i was not sure how to truly love myself and this person told me that i would figure it out if i really wanted to! Well i figured it out and now i am so full of love for everything and everyone around me! I am very happy! So now that i have blabbered on and on...i think i got out what i needed to! Hope i didn't confuse anyone too much!! Love you All!!

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