Monday, April 25, 2011

Is There Something Missing In Your Life, too?

How often do you hear people complaining like‘’There’s something missing in my life. If only I knew what it was, I could do something about it’? Perhaps you think those kind of thoughts yourself.

My reasoning goes like this… If you feel there’s something missing in your life, then you’ve probably lost some (or all) of your connection to the activities, values and people that give meaning to your life. These meaningful elements of your life are part of you, they’re deep within you. So to try to reconnect with them by experimenting with an increasing number of new experiences, each of which you stick with for less and less time because they don’t deliver what you’re looking for, is a rather disheartening waste of time and effort.

So instead of trying harder and harder to find that elusive thing, what you really need to do is to slow down, calm down and allow yourself to take breath. Know that the missing something can’t be found by external efforting or searching.

But when you feel drained, and when you’re pushing yourself hard because you don’t know what else to do, that’s the time to stop trying. By stopping, you’ll be more likely to hear the quiet voice of your creativity suggesting a way forward. You may need to rest for a while before it makes itself heard, but by giving it space, you’ll be heading back onto the right track.

By the same token, rather than gathering new possessions, why not try some decluttering? Clear out all the old items blocking your space and you'’ll feel lighter, liberated, a sense of space and opportunity. The reality is that the harder you search for the missing something, the more elusive it will become. But if you clear the space, it will reveal itself willingly.

Paradoxically when there’s something missing, it’s most likely not something more that you’re looking for at all. You’re probably not looking to fill a space but to create one.

* Do you know (or suspect) that you’re trying too hard at something?
* Are you prepared to stop trying, to go with the flow, and see where it takes you?
* What can you declutter, creating space for your well being and success to flourish?

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