Thursday, March 29, 2012

Being A Woman

Special thanks for Kathy!

Women are always told to try harder, to be more than they are, or to improve upon some aspect of their lives. Though it’s always good to work at improvement, sometimes you need to accept and love who you are.

Women struggle with their identity, sometimes throughout their whole lives. It’s hard to know and accept who we are and what we wish to be. Though we may find success in one area we can’t find acceptance if we don’t achieve 100% satisfaction in all aspects of our lives. This is a constant struggle that so many of us face and at the end of the day it’s about being happy with who you are and finding love with the individual that you have become.

Love Who You Are, Whoever That May Be

You may not be perfect by somebody's standards, but why aren’t you following your own? We make the mistake of listening to what somebody else envisions as “perfection” rather than setting our own vision. Women are often their worst critics because we focus too much on what we should be or what we wish we were. Instead of focusing so much attention on that, perhaps we should practice acceptance and love the women that we are.

You may not be thinner, smarter, prettier, or more successful than your friend. You may not be able to run a marathon or sew a button, but is that really your measure of success? We as women could be so much happier if we would just love ourselves and the accomplishments that we have. Rather than focusing on what we are not perhaps it’s more beneficial to focus on what we are.

Many Elements Define Our Identity

We are defined by so many different elements of our identity. We are women first and foremost, but we have special talents and contributions within each of us. We have something that nobody else has. We have a great personality, a successful career, a beautiful family—there is something that we can be happy with and can cause us to love ourselves. This can be a hard lesson for many women because we are taught to work harder or to measure ourselves by what we aren’t rather than by what we are.

Change this trend and learn acceptance. Accept who you are, right and wrong, for the perfections and the imperfections. You are the only version of you and if as women we can learn to love all that this stands for, then we are truly successful in our lives. Though we may have always measured ourselves by the things we wish we were better at, being happy means embracing the identity that you have created for yourself. Be one of those women who truly loves yourself and show it off to the world. This is something remarkable in and of itself and it will impress people with the confidence and self love that it exudes. Be one of the women who shows that she loves who she is and what she stands for, and perhaps others will take cues from you!

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