Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cheap Decorating Ideas

So, you finally have the guts to move out your parent's house. You are so excited to decorate your very first pad...You're too eager to buy stuff that will look good on your new place..At last, you will be your own boss...No one has a say on how your house should look like, but you. You can now show the world how creative you are when it comes to making your house look great and well maintained... But there's one little problem...YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY.

Oh, well, you can always make your first apartment look fabulous without really buying pricey furniture and stuff. You need not max out your credit card, nor withdraw your money at the bank up to the last cent. There are ways that you can decorate your place still with style, without going overboard. I'm sure you want to still have money to buy food for your new home after.


For novices, you just need basic furniture and appliances, until such a time that you already have money to splurge on other not-so-important stuff.

First rule of the thumb-BE RESOURCEFUL. You can ask your mom to give you the ancient coffee table that they stocked in the garage. Sure, we want to have brand new furniture for our new home, but if you really can't buy new things, why not improvise a little, right? If you don't have a magazine rack, scatter your magazine collections on one part of the room. For your cd's, pile it in one place for the meantime if you can't buy a cd rack. If you can afford to buy one, again you should be creative as you can.

You can be as creative as you can when decorating your new house, even you're on a fixed income. For instance, instead of buying cushioned sofa's that will cost a fortune, you can go to mall , and check all the displays then finally you can get  4 big-sized floor pillows that serves as your sofa.You can match it with a rectangular wooden center table, topp it with japanese candles...As a result you have a zen-type living room.

Always check out for sales. You can go to the thrift stores found just everywhere. If something catches your attention, visualize. Imagine if it will look good on your house, or if it will complement with the items that you already bought. Since guests will be sitting practically on the floor (because of the floor pillows), might as well buy a carpet that will match with your design. There's a lot of websites that has the best deals in the market. I'll go for oriental rugs if you ask me. To match the mood that I already set.

Lamps will add style to your house. There's a lot of lamps that are not really pricey like you think. Floor lamps look sleek, settle with the natural colored ones. Make it as simple yet stylish as you can, but never overdo with decorations. Add dimmed lights to some crucial parts of the room. Candles will also looks remarkable and relaxing. You can create your own candles if you have time.

As for your dining room, you need to look for REAL chairs and REAL table. Since you will just use floor pillows for your sofa, find best deals on dining sets. You don't want to have cramps on sitting on the floor forever, don't you? There's a lot of great finds at wallmart.com, check bargains online, or go to garage sales. place a center piece vase or candle on the table.  If the table is a little rusty, cover it with a fabric that complements the color of the room. Then, add some lighting to make the mood different.

For your walls, one good option is to place your pictures. Buying a painting is not sensible.  Yes, it really feels nice to have a painting pasted on your wall, but it's not worth your penny for the time being.  You can buy good frames at garage sales and thrift shops.

You can do anything in your bedroom. You can decorate it however you want. It's yourown world.  It's your room in the first place so NO ONE has ANY right to ask you to re-decorate it or something.  Now, to cust down on the cost, instead of buying a bed frame, mattress will do.  Buy tons of pillows to make it look comfy. Buy a lamp add style.  

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