Friday, January 25, 2013

Why do we write about love?

In everything you do, and in all aspects of life, there is one key ingredient in all you endeavor. Sometimes it’s greed; sometimes it’s anger. Sometimes it’s joy (personal or delivered); sometimes it’s sadness and fear. Some of the greatest works ever accomplished came from the blues, or desperation.

But even those negative emotions and reasons have roots originating from one thing: love. People feel the negative emotion because they want to get back to the other emotion — love. We feel sad because we aren’t happy. We feel angry because things don’t go our way, or we aren’t doing something we love.

We all need love, same as we do the every air we breathe. We seek love, we relish in the moments of love. And most importantly, we are drawn to love in our lives like moths to a flame. Only, this flame only warms the very recesses of our souls, it will not burn us.

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