Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The World As I See It
In the summer of 1950, a child died. The father wrote that his son's death had shattered "the very structure of [his] existence" and that his life had "become an almost meaningless void." In a desperate attempt to find meaning in the cruel finality of death, he wrote to Albert Einstein and asked him whether the brilliant scientist could say something that might "assuage the pain of an unquenchable longing, an intense craving, an unceasing love for my darling son. The grieving father had just read Einstein's The World As I See It, in which the scientist wrote, "Any individual who should survive his physical death is beyond my comprehension . . . such notions are for the fears or absurd egoism of feeble souls". Coming from the mind of one of the world's greatest thinkers, these words dashed any hope the anguished man had of finding meaning in his son's death. He wrote to Einstein, "Am I to believe that my beautiful darling child has been forever wedded into dust, that there was nothing within him which has defied the grave and transcended the power of death?"
This father's pain is known to all of us. Most people have experienced the terrible finality of the loss of a loved one, and some have faced their own impending deaths.This is what Einstein wrote to the grieving father: "A human being is part of the whole world, called by us 'Universe,' a part of limited time and space." He went on to say that thinking of ourselves as in any way separate from that universe and/or walled off from the other persons and things composing that universe is a "kind of optical delusion" of self-consciousness. He added that "striving to free oneself from this delusion is the one issue of true religion," a message quite the opposite of the religion of the holy self.
Einstein advised the mourning father to try to overcome his view of a separate existence for himself, his son, or any being as "the way to reach the attainable measure of peace of mind." His use of the word "attainable" hints at the idea that our search for meaning and benefit in loss has its limits. It is not so much the answer we find but the search that is important, and Einstein's advice to consider the view of infinite connection and the self as an illusion can be helpful in that search.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Is Everyone Addicted To Something?
I guess, we all are addicted to something.Addiction may be a part of and parcel of our human nature. We all are restless, irritable. and discontent- Most of us find it impossible to just sit and do nothing.So we distract ourselves with activity and entertainment: cell phones, texting , video
games, iPods, TVs, movies, magazines, non-stop busyness to keep us
looking everywhere but not inside ourselves. We mood-alter with substances
(sugar, alcohol, drugs, nicotine, caffeine, etc.) and activities
(shopping, gambling, sex, work, viewing porn, etc.) We
are unable to simply be awake and present to life - so we medicate our
existential anxiety.
Addiction is quite common in modern societies. It is roughly
estimated that between 8-13% of people living in developed countries
experience addiction: whether to food, video games, alcohol, drugs, or even sports.
But why do some people get addicted to chemicals and behaviors and
others don’t? In other words, what causes addiction?
Scientists say that addiction is a brain disease. Most of us think that we become addicted to
anything first by trying it out. But scientists and researchers think
that the brain of an addict is different. They have noticed that the
initial decision to take drugs, gamble, binge drink, or overeat is
voluntary. But what happens then?
To be honest, researchers, scientists and doctors DON’T KNOW. And
they put out theories of addiction to try to explain why addicts
continue behaviors that are often very self-destructive. In some models,
addiction is strictly a medical condition and is an involuntary result
of use. In other models, addiction is the result of emotional and
psychological problems. And still other models look to the need to
self-medicate for psychiatric conditions.
But what is common among the experience of all addicts is changes in
the brain as a result of chemicals or behaviors. Whether or not the
brain is predisposed to addiction is still being argued. But most
scientists agree that when some people experience a sense of euphoria,
pleasure or ease as a result of drugs or behaviors …. and that persons
continues the behavior…they can start to change the brain over time.
Simply put, the brain of an addict changes over time and makes self
control and the ability to resist intense impulses (cravings) very, very
This type of alteration of the brain is most obvious in drug use,
when neurotransmitters (the chemical messengers between brain cells)
triggered by drugs either:
1. activate nerve cells to send abnormal messages
2. prevent recycling of brain chemicals or
3. over produce brain chemicals
2. prevent recycling of brain chemicals or
3. over produce brain chemicals
Why do people become addicted?
Again, we don’t really know what causes addiction. Addiction is a
complex disease that affects the physical brain, the psychological mind,
and the spiritual self. But scientists look to two major standout
reasons for addiction:
1. Biology (nature) – Addiction is in the genes. Genetics make some people more vulnerable to addiction than others.
2. Environment (nurture) – A person’s environment
greatly affects whether or not s/he uses or abuses substances or
behaviors. A number of different factors influence substance use,
- attitudes and beliefs
- family (quality of parenting)
- friends (peer pressure)
- personality traits or characteristics
- physical abuse
- quality of life
- school factors
- sexual abuse
- socioeconomic status
- stress
Why can’t addicts say NO?
It may seem pretty simple to you. If you want to stop being addicted to something, you stop using it. But the good intention to quit a behavior or a chemical substance like drugs or alcohol take more than just good intentions and willpower. The brain needs a break from the self-rewarding and reinforcing pathway that chemical or behavioral addictions create.Wednesday, November 23, 2011
X degeriyle asagilama sanati
hatalar yapmayiz ki zaman zaman… Her hatanin sonunda olmuslari bir kenara
birakip, olmuslardan bir ders almak gerekmiyor mu zaten? Ozellikle ikili
iliskilerimizde hatalar yaptigimizda (kalp kirginliklarimizda) yaptigimiz
hatalari kalbimizde bir klasore
igneleyip,yeri geldiğinde de o ignenin acısıyla hataları tekrarlamamak için
zaman zaman o klasöre göz atmamiz gerekiyor.
= X
gunluk hayatin icinde oldugunu yillarca kabul etmisimdir.Ancak insanlari
degersizlestirmek ve asagilamak icin kullanilacagina hicbir zaman inanmamistim,
sahit olmamistimda! Taki bugun iki kisi arasinda gecen bir dialoga sahit olana
kadar!Anlikta olsa gozunuzde canlandirmak istiyorum iki kahramaniz arasinda
neler gectigini: konusmamiz iki yakin arkadas arasinda geciyor. Iki
kahramanimiz birinin basina bela oldugunu dusundukleri kiz hakkinda
konusuyorlar. Bende bu kisiler gibi yapip onlari asagilamak istemedigimden
kendilerine “p” ve “q” demek istiyorum.Kizimizada onlarin seslendigi gibi “x”
diyip hikayeden kisaca bahsetmek istiyorum.Kizimiz(x) ne zaman sehirden
ayrilacagina dahil onceden kahramanimizdan biriyle konusmus(ben konustugu
kisiye p demek istiyorum). Saf x degerimiz karsisindaki p ye guvenemecegini
kestiremediginden kendisine sehirde kalmak istediginden, gelecekle ilgili
planlarindan bahsetmis. Olay nasil olupta iki kisi arasinda geyik konusu olmus
diye bana sormayin ayrintilari bende bilmiyorum, bu kismini sizin hayal
gucunuze birakiyorum. Zavalli x miz okul icin sehirde kalmaya karar verince,
durumdan p degerimiz hic mi hic hosnut olmamis,durumu en yakin arkasiyla
paylasmis. Q degerimizde oglum isin var diyip olayi geyige vurmus.
= p
bu hikayeden yola cikip, hikayemizin gorunmeyen yuzune bakmak istiyorum biraz (Bana
hayal gucumun cagristirdigi kismina diyebilirim). Zaman zaman her birimiz kotu
gunler gecirebiliyoruz: sevgilimiz bizi aldatabiliyor, aile bireylerimizden
biri amansiz bir hastaligin pencesinde olabiliyor ,yada en yakinlarimizi mesela
kardesimizi bir kaza sonucu kaybedebiliyoruz, yada iflas edip, bes parasiz
kalabiliyoruz.Bu zor anlarda guvenebilecegimiz birilerini yakin cevremizde gormek
istiyoruz. Eger boyle birileri etrafimizda yoksa icgudusel olarak
guvenebilecegimiz birini bulma arayisina girebiliyoruz. Bu arayislarimiz sonucu
bazen yanlis kisilere guvenebiliyoruz. Kahramanimizdaki “x” imizin sonununda bu
oldugunu dusunuyorum. Insan oglunun gorunen dis guzelligine aldanmis ne
yazikki. Aslinda cokta bayan kahramanimizi suclamak istemiyorum. Insan oglu
yanilabilir zaman zaman. Dis guzelligi olan insanoglunun derin ve manali bir ic
dunyasi oldugunu beklemek bir hata olmus olabilir kahramanimiz icin. Belki
gelismis bir ic dunyasi var ama kahramanimiz p nin arzu ve niyeti iyiye yonelmis
degil. Belkide sevgili “p” mizin tek masumca istegi: “bu kizi nasil olurda en
kisa yoldan yataga atarim”. Her ne kadar bu dusunce sistemini magara devrinden
kalmis bulsamda bu gercegide yadsimak soz konusu degil!
bir ic dunyasi olanlarimiz iyiye yonelmezse ne olur? Boyle durumlarda insanin
ic dunyasi ile davranisi arasinda bir celiski meydana gelir. Eger boyle bir hal
icindeysek birey olarak bu duruma karsi duyarli olmamiz, olayi iyi analiz
etmemiz gerekir. Boyle durumlari anladigimiz zamanlarda, kurdugumuz duzenden
ziyade evrenin bize verdigi nimetleri, gelecek yasamamimizi, gelecegimizi
tehlike icine attigimizi unutmamamiz gerekir. Insani kirmak oyle kolay ki!Tipki
yukarida bahsettigim birkac dakikada gerceklesen hikayemizde oldugu gibi bize
deger veren birini sirf kahrolasi egomuzu arkadasimizin onunde tatmin etmek
icin yerin dibine sokabiliyoruz.Aslinda ben sahibim diye gordugumuz seyin aslinda
bizim olmadigimizi bilmek, sinirlarimizi dogru cizmemiz gerekiyor.
Yazimin sonuna gelirken son
olarak sunlari soylemek istiyorum: İnsanoğlu ne kadar gelişkin bir uygarlık
yaratırsa yaratsın, hiçbir zaman yarattığı uygarlığın kibrine kapılıp da
acizliğini unutmamalı; zira dünyayla aramızda uygarlığın hassas bir dengede
tuttuğu, ancak her an zedelenebilecek kırılgan bir uzlaşma var; altındaysa
değişmez kaderimiz, antolojik acizliğiz yatmak da. Onun için önce sabah kalkıp
boylu boyunca bir aynaya bakmak gerekiyor ve tabi ki kendi kendimize sormamız
gereken en önemli soru ben kimim eğer bu sorunun cevabını gerçekten aynada ki
yansımamıza karşın verebiliyorsak; güne merhaba deyip yola devam. Velâkin
aynadaki yansımamıza bile yalan söyleyip görüntümüzü kandırmaya çalışıyorsak o
zaman yola yine devam ama yolların sonuna vesselam. Daha nasıl açık anlatılır
bilemem insan olmanın kavramı öz belliğimizi, egolarımızı, hırslarımızı ve
kibrimizi bir kenara bırakıp, giydiğimiz ne olursa olsun, seçtiğimiz kim olursa
olsun, önemli olan var olmanın gerektiği etkenleri beynimiz ve kalbimiz arasına
sonradanda insanlar arasına köprüler yoluyla bağlamak.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
I wish I had a soundtrack to my life....
“Music is what feelings sound like.”
“Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.”
-Angela Monet
speaks what words cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it
rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the
“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and cannot remain silent.”
-Victor Hugo
“When people hear good music, it makes them homesick for something they never had, and never will have.”
-Edgar Watson Howe
“Music is love in search of a word.”
-Sidonie Gabrielle
“Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought.”
-E. Y. Harburg
takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle
our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Whatever deceptions life may have in store for you, music itself is not going to let you down.”
-Virgil Thomson
“Music is the art of thinking with sounds.”
-Jules Combarieu
is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and everything.”
“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.”
“Music is the universal language of mankind.”
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memory.”
-Oscar Wilde
“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”
-Berthold Auerbach
“Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.”
-Kahlil Gibran
“Ah music…a magic far beyond anything here.”
-J.K. Rowling
“Magical music never leaves the memory.”
-Sir Thomas Beecham
“Music is the medicine of the mind.”
-John Logan
“Music can name the unknowable and communicate the unknown.”
-Leonard Bernstein
-Leonard Bernstein
“If music be the food of love, play on.”
-William Shakespeare
“Dear music, thank you for making me feel happy when no one else could, sincerely loneliness.”
music lives in us. The instant a song plays that you heard many years
ago, flashback starts, and for that moment you are there again.”
-Shelly Khalish
-Shelly Khalish
“We are children of the noisy age, with access to so much music from across time and space. We soak up the sounds…what comes out can be unpredictable, but it will be uniquely ours.”
-Kalmia Traver
“Music is life, that’s why our hearts have beats.”
Music makes the world go round…
or something close to that..... Music makes life bearable and sweeter. I
wish I had a soundtrack to my life playing always.
Music has gotten me
through the hardest times in life: breakups, trials, stress, sadness,
frustration, and brought light to dark times. Music makes the good times
We all may have different tastes in music but it all comes down
to one thing we all have in common: music has touched our lives in one
way or another. It’s a universal love. It brings us together. Music makes you dance. Dancing makes you brave.
I believe time and music helps healing and getting over tough times. Music gives me inspiration and improves my
creativity. Music evokes feelings hidden deep inside…
ones we thought we forgot and ones we might not know we had. It’s a
form of time travel.
When everything around you can be falling apart, music is a constant
that can hold you together.
I don’t listen to music because it’s “popular” or “not popular” or “unique”. I listen to watch sounds good and what reaches out and pulls me in wanting to put it on repeat.
Cliche Lesson: "Love is never ugly"
I just finished watching “Beastly” and I adored it. By
watching the Trailer itself, you can predict what’s going to happen/ the end.
But I felt there’s something a little more to it- maybe the modern settings of
the movie had me feeling the story they were telling. Plus, I liked how he had
to do the 'thinking' which sooner or later- bought her heart.
I guess a lot people can relate to the story. There’s a
lesson to learn for everyone- cliche but it’s what matters is on the
Love is meant for everyone. Everyone needs it, but not
everyone finds it. If you're brave enough to stand up for it even when you know
you maybe not be the prettiest person (inside and out) as no one’s' perfect,
you can find that special someone that loves you for who you really are(The
whole package).
Is not everyone is
attracted to looks? Think about it, It’s the first thing that moves you to
interact with the person. Most of the time we forgot every individual has their
own personality. If you actually gave a chance to a person that may not be
wearing the lowest cut dressed in the room or the semi buff athletic body in a
very tight shirt, you'll probably find surprises (good ones) when you get to
know them.
I admit, it may
not be easy to do.
Inner beauty truly is what matters.
beauty: blond hair, blue eyes—is always easy to recognize. But if someone is
braver, stronger, smarter, that’s harder to see.”
better hope you never get ugly. You are ugly now, on the inside, where it
matters most, and if you ever lost your good looks, I bet you wouldn’t be smart
or strong enough to get them back. You are beastly.”
“You can’t
help what you’re born with.”
was the great thing about most people. If they could get what they wanted from
you, they’d give you what you wanted back.”
“Love is never ugly.”
beautiful thing is precious, no matter the price. Those who do not know how to
see the precious things in life will never be happy.”
“I am
not frightened of you, I am frightened for you.”
“A rose
can change your life.”
unexpected things can happen.”
shouldn’t miss people who don’t miss you, right?”
because something is beautiful doesn’t mean it’s good.”
“I’m a
girl. Every girl pretends she’s a princess at one point, no matter how little
her life is like that. And I like the idea of ‘happily ever after’.”
“If two
people are meant to be together, they will be, even if something separates
them. There’s a magic to it.”
make such a big deal about looks, but after a while, when you know someone, you
don’t even notice anymore.”
“Sometimes we surprise ourselves.”
“That’s what true love should be like—the
person should be part of your soul and you should know what they’re feeling all
the time.”
we judge people too much by their looks because it’s easier than seeing what’s
really important.”
“It was
wondrous when life gave you a second chance.”
“It hurts too much so I don’t want to talk
about it.”
when I’m around you, I don’t feel ugly at all.”
not about how others look at you. It’s about how you look at yourself.”
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Lime Lime Edilmis Zaman....

Bir gunun daha bitmesine dakikalar kaldi takvim zamanina gore.
Takvim degilmidir zamani lime lime edip, bizi zamanlarimiza yekpare sahip olmamiza engel olan.
Zaman diyince Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar i dusunmeden edemiyor insan. O degil
midir ki zamanin yekpareligini bize anlatmaya calisan, zamanin takvim denen bir
icatla bolunmesinden sikayet eden! Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitusu nde nice
misralar dokmustur bunu anlatmak icin..
Su misralari bilmeyeniniz yoktur sanirim:
“..Ne içindeyim zamanın
Ne de büsbütün dışında;
Yekpare geniş biranın
Parçalanmaz akışında.
Zamanın takvim yolula parçalanması…”
Ne zaman bu misralar aklima gelse, kendimi “zaman” kavramini sorgularken
bulurum.Bazen “biten bir gunu” ve “yeni bir gunu” dusunurken, bazen de “yilinsonu”
ve “yilinbasi” aklima gelir. Zamani belli olan bir huzun ruzgari eser etrafimda…0
"yekpare genis an"ın neresindeyim, (neresindeyiz) sorusu dolanip
durur icimde. "Acaba zamanı görebilir miyim, yakalayabilir miyim?"
diye de sorarım bu vesileyle.
Tanpinar in tasvirinde oldugu gibi bende turlu turlu hallerini gormusumdur
Bazen kotu bir eskale burunup benle
yuzyuze gelmistir mesela:
“..Ben zamanı gördüm,
İçimde ve dışımda sessiz çalışıyordu,
Bir mezar böyle kazılırdı ancak,
Yıldırımsız ve baltasız,
Bir orman böyle devrildi!
Ben zamanı gördüm,
Kaç bakışta bozdu hayalimi,
Ve kaç düşüncede!
Ben zamanı gördüm,
Şimşek gibi bir ânın uçurumunda….”
Bazen de iyi bir surete burunup karsimda dimdik durmaktadir:
“..Ben zamanı gördüm,
Devrilmiş sütunları arasından
Çok eski bir sarayın
Alnında mor salkımlar vardı
Ve ilâhlar kadar güzeldi.
Uçmak için kanatlanmayı bekleyen
Yavru kuş gibi doğduğu kayada
Ben zamanı gördüm
Çırpınırken avuçlarımda…”
Iki yuzlu zaman bana hayatin diyalektigini hatirlatir:bir tarafta canlari,
umutlari oguten acimasiz bir degirmen, diger tarafindada yeni umutlarin yeserdigi
filizler diyari… Bu iki nokta arasindaki sayisiz rengi, durumu, ve duyguyu da
unutmamak gerek elbet. Eger acimasiz degirmenin icinde bulduysak kendimizi
sarkaci diger tarafa ittirmek icin var gucumuzle hayata, umutlarimiza sarilip,
duslerimiz ugruna ter dokmeliyiz.
Yoksa bugunun cok bilmis yeni nesil cocuklari sorarlar bize Tanpinar in
misralarindaki sozlerini neden dikkatle ozumsemedigimizi:
“..Niçin sen yaratmadın bu dünyayı?
Ellerinin mesut işaretlerinden
Daha güzel doğardı eşya!
Daha zengin olurdu aydınlık
Kendi karanlığından çağırsaydı sesin,
Sular başka türlü akardı
Sert kayalardan göklere doğru
Büyük, mavi, aydınlık sular!..”
Kimbilir belki de zamani parcalamak, takvim denen icadi kullanmak koca bir
aptallik. Ama kendi zamanimiza sahip olabilmek icin bu yalani cocuklugumuzdaki naif
ruh halimize donup tatli bir oyun haline donusturelim. Iyi seyler dileyip,
guzelliklere davet cikaralim.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Aptal Olmak Lazim...
Carlo M. Cipolla'ya göre dört çeşit insan var:
Zeki,aptal,saf ve haydut insanlar !
Şöyle ki:
Eylemleri ile:
a) Kendilerine zarar verdikleri halde başkalarına fayda sağlayanlar saf insanlar,
b) Kendilerine fayda sağlayan ama bu arada başkalarına zarar verenler haydut insanlar,
c) Hem kendilerine, hem de başkalarına fayda sağlayanlar zeki insanlar,
d) Kendisine hiçbir yarar sağlamadan hatta bazen zarara uğrayarak başkalarına illa ki zarar verenler aptal insanlar oluyorlar.
* * *
Zeki,aptal,saf ve haydut insanlar !
Şöyle ki:
Eylemleri ile:
a) Kendilerine zarar verdikleri halde başkalarına fayda sağlayanlar saf insanlar,
b) Kendilerine fayda sağlayan ama bu arada başkalarına zarar verenler haydut insanlar,
c) Hem kendilerine, hem de başkalarına fayda sağlayanlar zeki insanlar,
d) Kendisine hiçbir yarar sağlamadan hatta bazen zarara uğrayarak başkalarına illa ki zarar verenler aptal insanlar oluyorlar.
* * *
Galiba aptal olmak daha lazim. Neden mi? Cunku:
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Children of Men
Produced by Marc Abraham, Eric Newman, Hilary Shor, Iain
Smith, and Tony Smith; written by Alfonso Cuarón, Timothy J. Sexton, David
Arata, Mark Fergus, and Hawk Ostby; directed by Alfonso Cuarón; based on the
P.D. James novel Children
of Men; cinematography by Emmanuel Lubezki; edited by Alfonso Cuarón and
Alex Rodriguez; production design by Jim Clay and Geoffrey Kirkland; costume
design by Jany Tenine; original music by John Tavener; starring Clive Owen,
Julianne Moore, Claire-Hope Ashitey, and Michael Caine. Color, 109 mins. A
Universal Pictures release.
It is above all the look of "Children of
Men" that stirs apprehension in the heart. Is this what we are all headed
for? The film is set in 2027, when assorted natural disasters, wars and
terrorist acts have rendered most of the world ungovernable, uninhabitable or
anarchic. Britain stands as an island of relative order, held in line by a
fearsome police state. It has been 18 years since Earth has seen the birth of a
human child.
There is much to be said about the story of
"Children of Men," directed by Alfonso
Cuaron and based on a lesser-known novel by P.D. James. Guerrilla fighters
occupy abandoned warehouses. The homeless live in hovels. Immigrants are
rounded up and penned in cages. The utilities cannot be depended upon. There
are, most disturbing of all, no children. Only dogs and cats remain to be cared
for and cherished.
As the film opens, the TV news reports that the
world's youngest person has been stabbed to death in Buenos Aires, because he
declined to give an autograph. Theo Faron (Clive
Owen), the film's hero, watches the news in a cafe and then leaves with his
paper cup in his hand. Seconds later, a bomb destroys the cafe. This is
essential: Faron is terrified. He crouches and fear freezes his face. This will
not be like action pictures where the hero never seems to fear death.
Britain, as the last functioning nation, has
closed its borders, and is engaged in a war between the establishment and a
band of rebels who support immigrant rights. Faron is kidnapped by this group,
headed by Julian Taylor (Julianne
Moore), who was once his lover; they lost a child.
Her associate, Luke (Chiwetel
Ejiofor, in another unexpected character), backs her up with muscle and
wisdom. Interestingly, there seems to be no racial prejudice in this Britain;
they don't care what color you are, as long as you were on board before they
pulled up the rope. Julian's group wants Faron's influence to get travel papers
for Kee (Clare-Hope Ashitey), so the young woman can be smuggled out of the
country and to refuge in a rumored safe haven. Kee is a key to the future; the
movie's advertising tells you why, but I will not.
The center of the film involves the journey
toward the coast, which Faron and Kee undertake with Julian, Luke and Miriam (Pam
Ferris), who is both watchdog and nurse. Along the way, they are pursued by
Homeland Security troops, and there is a chase scene with one of the most
sudden and violent moments I have ever seen in a film. Not all of the chases in
all of the Bournes equal this one, shot in a single take by one camera, for
Here again, the action scenes seem rooted in
sweat and desperation. Small details: Even in the midst of a firefight, dogs
scamper in the streets. Faron's hand reaches out to touch and reassure the
nearest animal, and I was reminded of Jack London's belief that dogs (not cats
so much) see us as their gods. Apparently sterility affects only humans on
Earth; when we are gone, will the dogs still tirelessly search for us?
I wanted to use Hitchcock's term "MacGuffin”....The lack of children and the possibility of children are the MacGuffins in
"Children of Men," inspiring all the action, but the movie significantly
never tells us why children stopped being born, or how they might become
possible again. The children-as-MacGuffin is simply a dramatic device to avoid
actual politics while showing how the world is slipping away from civility and
co-existence. The film is not really about children; it is about men and women,
and civilization, and the way that fear can be used to justify a police state.
I admire that plot decision. I would have felt
let down if the movie had a more decisive outcome; it is about the struggle,
not the victor, and the climax in my opinion is open-ended. The performances
are crucial, because all of these characters have so completely internalized
their world that they make it palpable, and themselves utterly convincing.
Cuaron fulfills the promise of futuristic
fiction; characters do not wear strange costumes or visit the moon, and the
cities are not plastic hallucinations, but look just like today, except tired
and shabby. Here is certainly a world ending not with a bang but a whimper, and
the film serves as a cautionary warning. The only thing we will have to fear in
the future, we learn, is the past itself.
PS: This film is also very self-aware; i.e. it knows its roots. For example,
a brilliant scene featuring the brilliant and underrated Danny Huston
as a "Noah of the arts", living alone with his deranged 20something son
in a revamped Tate Modern, manages to throw in a Pink Floyd cover. And there are the obvious allusions to 1984
or Brave New World
, what with the government-approved suicide rations and overbearing bureaucracy.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Kardan Adam...
Disarda inceden inceye, usul usul yagan kar tanecikleri…
Sanki cocuksu sevincler ve acilar bulusmus kar ustunde. Kar topu oynayan dusler:kimi
oylesine mutlu, kimi oylesine uzgun….Hep tanidik sorulari soruyorlar
…. Ama bu sefer ben erken davranip soruyorum: kislari sever
-“Evet!” diyorlar. “Kislari, kuslari, icimizdeki baharlari,
hatta tropical yalnizliklari bile seviyoruz.” “Peki, ya yaz?” diye soruyorum.
Iclerinden biri yuzume bakip haykiriyor “Hayir!” diye. “ Neden?” diye sormaktan
kendimi alamiyorum.
“Karsiliksiz ask diyor.” once. Yuzumde buyuk bir anlamsiz
ifade, bana soylediklerini dinlemeye devam ediyorum. “Nedir karsiliksiz ask?”
diye soruyor. Susuyorum…
“Kendi ellerinle yarattigin kardan adama asik olmak” diyor
kisik bir sesle. Eriyip gidecegini bile bile sevmek…Sen onu yoktan
yaratirsin.Sen yarattigin icin seninmis gibi hissedersin. Ne zaman cami
aralasan,acsan seni orda bekledigini sanirsin. Cocuksu bir heves ve buyuk bir
heyecanla birlestirmissindir her bir parcasini. Masumca… Yaptigini garipseyen
digerlerine inat…Emek vermissindir, hemde cok! Ama zaman zaman karsisina gecip
gerceklede yuzlesirsin:onunla sen cok farklisindir. Seni sevse bile kardan bir
adam oldugunu hatirlarsin.Kış bitmeden eriyip gidicegini, baharin gelecegini,sonrada
yaza karsi koruyamayacagini bilirsin.
Monday, November 7, 2011
The Dance of Love and Hate
"The TANGO is a direct expression of something that poets have often tried to state in words: the belief that a fight may be a celebration."
"I picture a ferocious tiger; a predator with its silent but definite stride roaming the jungle in hunt for a prey when dancing the Tango. Other times its two gauchos circling each other in a desperate fight for the woman they love. That's drama in dancing the Tango! If you're thinking Tempestuous Tango, here's the spill for partner dancing."
The Tango is the dance of love and romance... It shows love, passion, hate and romance in only one dance. The story is about a man and a woman who came together and learn to trust and love each other by the power of one dance, The Tango...
There's no bouncing around in the Tango; the steps are long, smooth, and sleek. With the feet kept close to the floor. Each dance phrase is punctuated by a pregnant, poised pause, and begins with a quick head jerk that adds to the dramatic style. You can't carry off the Tango with stooped posture, so straighten up, lift your head high, point your nose into the future, and think sleek.
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