Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cliche Lesson: "Love is never ugly"


I just finished watching “Beastly” and I adored it.  By watching the Trailer itself, you can predict what’s going to happen/ the end. But I felt there’s something a little more to it- maybe the modern settings of the movie had me feeling the story they were telling. Plus, I liked how he had to do the 'thinking' which sooner or later- bought her heart.

I guess a lot people can relate to the story. There’s a lesson to learn for everyone- cliche but it’s what matters is on the inside.

Love is meant for everyone. Everyone needs it, but not everyone finds it. If you're brave enough to stand up for it even when you know you maybe not be the prettiest person (inside and out) as no one’s' perfect, you can find that special someone that loves you for who you really are(The whole package).

Is not everyone is attracted to looks? Think about it, It’s the first thing that moves you to interact with the person. Most of the time we forgot every individual has their own personality. If you actually gave a chance to a person that may not be wearing the lowest cut dressed in the room or the semi buff athletic body in a very tight shirt, you'll probably find surprises (good ones) when you get to know them.

I admit, it may not be easy to do.

Inner beauty truly is what matters.

Beastly Quotes

“Surface beauty: blond hair, blue eyes—is always easy to recognize. But if someone is braver, stronger, smarter, that’s harder to see.”

“You’d better hope you never get ugly. You are ugly now, on the inside, where it matters most, and if you ever lost your good looks, I bet you wouldn’t be smart or strong enough to get them back. You are beastly.”

“You can’t help what you’re born with.”

“That was the great thing about most people. If they could get what they wanted from you, they’d give you what you wanted back.”

 “Love is never ugly.”

“A beautiful thing is precious, no matter the price. Those who do not know how to see the precious things in life will never be happy.”

“I am not frightened of you, I am frightened for you.”

“A rose can change your life.”

“Sometimes, unexpected things can happen.”

“You shouldn’t miss people who don’t miss you, right?”

“Just because something is beautiful doesn’t mean it’s good.”

“I’m a girl. Every girl pretends she’s a princess at one point, no matter how little her life is like that. And I like the idea of ‘happily ever after’.”

“If two people are meant to be together, they will be, even if something separates them. There’s a magic to it.”

“People make such a big deal about looks, but after a while, when you know someone, you don’t even notice anymore.”

 “Sometimes we surprise ourselves.”

 “That’s what true love should be like—the person should be part of your soul and you should know what they’re feeling all the time.” 

“Maybe we judge people too much by their looks because it’s easier than seeing what’s really important.”

“It was wondrous when life gave you a second chance.”

 “It hurts too much so I don’t want to talk about it.” 

“Somehow, when I’m around you, I don’t feel ugly at all.”

“It’s not about how others look at you. It’s about how you look at yourself.”

Found this song from the movie:

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