Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Basic Advices

After hearing sad stories about relationships, I decided to write something about how to get over your ex boy friend/girl friend. After you broke up with your ex-boy/girl friend,some people suggest the best way to get over a breakup is to start dating right away and get yourself distracted from your past. Personally, I should not recommend any body take this advice.

I guess the best way to get over a break up is to take some time for yourself to feel whole again and heal the pain before getting into another relationship. Well, some of you may say "we are still in love each other". Be honest and tell the truth to yourself about your feelings( both negative and positive feelings). You should not fantasize about getting back together in the future. It is better to accept your reasons for the breakup and to accept your relationship is over. This way, after awhile you can really deal with the reality and set real boundaries to your ex. 

Another way might be to talk to your friends and family and ask for their support.You know that you are loved by them and that you are not alone. Just accept their support.

Some may say "I just wanna cry". It’s okay. Nothing is wrong with crying. Let it all out.  Don’t deny your negative feelings.  Don’t react to them.  Just let your feelings be and accept them as they are.
And it is always helpful to keep yourself busy.  Some of options I would suggest you are: (1)go out with your friends,(2) Find a hobby, (3)Go to a park. (4) Go to the gym. 
Don’t shut yourself out from the rest of the world.

You should not forget that the pain that you are experiencing is just temporary. Remember, time will heal.  And life will go on.  And eventually, you will be over him/her.

Always be good to yourself.  Take good care of yourself.  Treat yourself well.  Remember to love yourself.
Once you are over the break up, analyze the relationship and yourself.  How did you grow from this experience?  What did you learn about yourself from this experience?  What will you do in the next relationship that is the same?  What will you do differently in the next relationship (If you made mistakes, don’t beat yourself up.  What has happened has happened.  Don’t dwell in the past.  You cannot change what has already happened.  Just be sure to not make the same mistakes again in the future).  You need to accept things as they are and learn from the experience, good or bad.
Finally, when you are ready, make yourself available to meet others.  Remember that there are plenty of fish in the sea.

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