Monday, December 5, 2011

What are you thankful for?

Although I knew how important it was to be thankful, I learned only a couple of weeks ago the significance of it.I started to write out 100 things that I am thankful for. At first I thought I couldn't find two (especially when you are in a dark season of life). But I challenged myself and, when I came to 100 things, I realized I could keep going! I learned a great lesson that day, and it was the beginning of changing my life, too! So if you are feeling gloomy, discouraged, hopeless, I challenge you to start writing out 100 things you are thankful for and look at them everyday for a while. It will change your life.

I'm Thankful For....
The Special People  In My Life
My mother: She's one of my best friend and my #1 fan. From her, I get unconditional love and acceptance(whatever mistake I make) and she always makes me feel like I'm special and loved. She is so supportive whatever I wanna make.I'm the luckiest girl in the world for having such a strong, self-educated, women.

My sister: I am so thankful to have her. She always been there for me.  Her on-going support was and still is a great gift. Love you, dear...

My brother:He is gone now, but never forgotten and always loved.I am so thankful all you did for me: you helped me when i need, listened when it was needed, offered advice, provided a shoulder, and was known as a caring person.

My father: I'm thankful for my father.He gave me everything he possibly could and still is giving he possibly can. 

5. For my friends: I am not gonna named them individually.I do have a larger number of close friends, near and far, who I can count on, who care about me, and who want only the best for me. I truly value my friends. 


For my adviser and all the science ed. faculty: They are always supportive to me. Especially,after my brother passed away, they showed me how much they care  about me.They are really understandable the circumstances I was going through. And I also need to mention, they are also good role model for me:whatever it happens keep exercising, and doing your own thing:-) 

7.Traveling: Thanks to my parents and their financial assictance. I was able to go to Turkey whenever I need.

Working with kids: I had a great opportunity to work with kids this summer at summer camp and Saturday Science Quest. Such a great opportunity to help low income families especially.

Living on a farm: I used to work farm in Turkey. It was wonderful learning experiences I gained.

Living in many places: So far, the places I've called home have been in Istanbul, Bursa, and now in Bloomington. It's been great to live in different cities and countries ,all different and special in their own ways.

 Living in a dormitory: It's one of the greatest experienced I have had. I met tons of people and I was like a counselor to them.I learned a lot while I was listening to them.. I love being able to help people while they are going though rough times and happy moments.

Poster: It was my first work and I was so lucky to present this at the international conference.

Standing on the tops of the skyscraper: it's so cool to stand on a summit and see the whole city,lights. Incredible!

Meeting with old people especially for those who lived in Turkey in 70s, and 80s.: It is such a unique experience to meet elder people who lived in Turkey during 1980s. and 1970s. It is a like a being in a time machine, chatting with them, learning more about Turkey from foreign perspectives. I am always looking forward to the next time.

Collecting crayfish:First I was scared handling them even seeing them.But after awhile, I was amazed how incredible animals they are. How incredible nature is. I

Seeing Broadway shows in New York City and Chicago: One of my childhood dream..And I made it.

Being a nice person: I'm hardly perfect, but it's good to know in my heart that I'm a kind person. I'd never intentionally hurt anyone. I don't believe in being mean. I hate to see anyone cry and love to see people smile. I may be a bit shy sometimes and not the best at socializing, but I genuinely appreciate and care about people.

Trying to be a writer: I am not a writer but at least, I really try to express myself by writing.It is hard though. I'm happy I can express myself and my imagination that way. I may not be a good writer, and there's always plenty of room for improvement, but I do know I have some talent to build on.

Accomplishing goals: To one degree or another, I tend to follow through on things. I thrive on having goals to strive for and am happy about the fact I've been able to achieve some of them. I like that I have "stick-to-itiveness."

Knowing when to quit: I like knowing that I'm able to walk away from things that don't make me happy or aren't satisfying. Sometimes it takes a while to come to terms with "quitting," but I'm glad I've had the guts to do it when it has really mattered.

Being able to laugh when the going gets tough:

Getting to live at my own apartment: It was my dream,I have been living in a such nice apartment.

Fulfilling my dream of visiting NY: I was alone while I was planning my trip to New York. But then,  I met several British people. I had cherish moment with them.Still remembering...

Being financially secure: I am not rich (whatever that is, monetarily speaking), but I am comfortable and have what I need and then some.

Being able to work for myself:  I can pursue things of my own choosing and have much more time to enjoy what I love doing.

Good health: Knock on wood. This should probably be way at the top of the list, but I'm really not writing this in any particular order.  I've never had any big major health problem like diabetes,cancer--o One can never know for sure what will happen in that regard, but I'm thankful that I've been blessed with good health.
Being a Turkish: Taking nothing away from any other country, I'm just being thankful for my own. It may not be perfect--what place is?--but I love it nonetheless.

The seasons: I love them all. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. There are so many wonderful, special things about each, no matter where I live or spend the time.

Sushi: Yum! Too bad it's not so expensive here in the states, at least we can afford to eat it.

Sunshine: Doesn't it feel good? I know, too much isn't such a good thing, but, ooh, just to soak it up for a while, either outside or in a sunny window, is one of my favorite things.

Going to college: I was lucky to figure out what I would do for my future. I learned alot while I was in college.

Restaurants: I feel so lucky to live in Bloomington. I tasted different cuisines without paying much.
The sound of the rain on the roof: Is there any better sound to fall asleep to?

Shoes and dresses: Who does not like to by shoes or nice nice dresses? I love having variety color of shoes and dresses.

Laptop: I cannot imagine a life without my laptop or technology.

Internet and blogs: I enjoy reading about things I'd probably never do or want to do, and some I do want to do. I'm so glad  I can easily access them any time I want.

37.Cooking: I always enjoy hosting dinners for my friends and cooking for them.

Hot showers: Need I explain? They're especially satisfying after a good workout. Heck, they're great anytime.

Vintage stores: My favorite places to shop. Especially for unique accessories.I'm like a kid in a candy shop.
Lakes: Big lakes, small lakes, mountain lakes, lakes in the desert, shallow lakes, deep lakes. Did I mention that I love lakes?

Rivers: And streams and creeks and brooks. I love watching and hearing them go by.

The sea: I was fortunate to grow up very close to it. I love the smell of it. I love to walk along it,  boat on it. Or just sit and stare at it. I especially love the moonlight on the water.

Seeing wildlife--elk, deer, jackrabbits, squirrels, foxes and more..

Public lands: National parks, National Forests, State Parks,  Wilderness areas, etc. I don't mind paying to visit and use them, either. I'm just glad they're there.

Book clubs: What a great way to meet people who also love reading and to discuss with them about books.

Facebook: I really never thought this would be on any list of things to be thankful for (and the site really frustrates me sometimes), but I truly am glad I joined. I've reconnected with old friends--some of whom are better friends now than ever before--and seen it bring together

Planes: I am so glad I am not spending several months to visit my home country. It takes only a day to arrive there.


Believing in god.

Libraries: I can easily borrow books, CDs, movies.Or I just request them what I need and they bring it to me. Such a unique library system Americans has.

People who go into public service: Most certainly don't get rich by doing so, and they often have to deal with harsh criticism. I'm just glad there are those who are willing.

Doctors/Nurses: I mean, can you imagine if no one did those jobs? In fact, this goes for anyone who does any job I wouldn't or couldn't do, because I know I benefit, directly or indirectly in some way. So  police officers and accountants also are included, too, along with many, many others.

Entertainers: I've been to so many shows--concerts, plays,  comedy shows, dancing shows, symphonies, movies. I even enjoy some television shows now and again. I appreciate the people who make me sing, dance, laugh, and sometimes even cry.

Invitations: Even though I sometimes can't accept (and, yes, sometimes don't want to), it sure is nice to be invited. To what? Well, to just about anything, I guess. And I'm thankful for them all.

Classical music: It makes me feel relax and helps me focusing on studying.

Teachers: Not an easy job for not enough pay. I'm especially thankful for some of the great ones I've had ... even though I can't remember all their names.

Digital cameras:  I can delete and retake pictures where I look.


Free festivals and events: Like music concerts in the Park,or Jazz in the IU Art Museum, Dancing on the Square, listening to good music... etc. I enjoy just wandering around, people-watching, and watching people have fun.

Volunteers: No matter what they do. Speaking as one myself, volunteers do receive as well as give, even if it's just the satisfaction of helping, but I sure am thankful that so many people volunteer in so many different ways.


My bread machine: Sounds silly maybe, but, boy, does it come in handy. Throw a bunch of foodstuffs in there, turn it on, go to bed or to work , get up or come home, and oila!Bread is ready!


Certain people for believing in my capacity: They agree to work with me. I'm thankful for their support.

Backpacks: I love being able to carry everything I really need right on my back. I like having a good assortment of packs for all sorts of trips.

Maps: I like looking at them and using them. I'm usually thinking about or planning to go somewhere if I'm looking at one, and I'm probably doing something fun if I'm using one. They sure do make it easier for me to figure out where I want to go, where I am, and where I'm heading.

Patience: I am so thankful to be a patience person. My range of tolerance is bigger than most people. Feeling lucky:-)

Birds: Their sounds make me happy and so does watching them fly and flit about. I don't know the names of most.
The moon and stars: They reminds me I am not alone in this universe.

The kindness of strangers: I love it when someone I don't know smiles at me or says or does something nice, just because.

Living alone for years: It helped me to build my self confidence.

Aquariums: I'll probably never try scuba diving cause makes me nervous, but I do love seeing the fish and other creatures that live below the surface of the water. I don't go often, but I do enjoy aquariums when I get the chance.

Having grown lots of veggies: I'm so glad I had that experience and will probably have a garden again someday, most likely just for our own use. But it sure is fun to think back on those days on the farm, when I went to the garden.



My first real boyfriend: Do not wanna give his name.He was and I m sure still is a really nice guy. I met with him when I was in collage.

Paddling in the lake: The first time was rather unplanned but so wonderful. My hiking partner and I spontaneously decided to do.

Memories: It's fun to reminisce. I like reading my journal called Harem. It is kind of my diary since 2009. It is fun to read about old times.

Things to look forward to: I have adventures, big and small, on my list, both planned and yet to be, to be excited about.

My hair and its color: It makes me look beautiful and look who I am.

Political discussions in Turkey(or cat fights:-)): Because their excuses for polemic makes me laugh and it is also ironic though.

The hard times: Because they've made me stronger and wiser, and the good times even better.

Art: It doesn't matter if I personally like a piece of art or not. I'm just thankful that people create it. And when I do like it, it sure is nice to look at. Actually, art is worth looking at even if I don't like it.

All the wonderful animals I've known: Dogs, cats, goats, horses and ponies, parakeets and parrots....

Great works of fiction: I really appreciate fiction book writers, Their stories transport me to another world.

Those who read what I write: I really appreciate the time anyone takes to read what I've written,  a blog post. I hope they find the time well spent somehow, too.
Scholarship: I am so thankful for my country. I have had a chance to come here and educate myself.
Fresh snow: It's fun to wake up to blue skies after a blizzard, strap on my snowshoes, and walk on the white, frozen water. I love seeing all the critter prints and hearing nothing but the breeze, the birds and the sound of my own breathing.

Rainy days: I love knowing the world around me is getting watered. Rainy days are also a great excuse to curl up with a blanket and a good book.

The little things: Like the time I put my hand on a moss-covered rock and a tiny frog popped up between my thumb and index finger, sticking his head out of his little moss-covered trap door. Or the time I saw a slug taking a ride on a caterpillar's back. I love noticing stuff like that! And I'm also thankful for the so-called "little things" people do for one another--the small gestures--like when my friend bought me a bracalet when she visited her parents in her vacation and sent it to me via mail.

Friends I've yet to make: I look forward to meeting them! Hmm, I wonder who they'll be.

Wildflowers/Flowers: I can't name more than about three or four, but I sure do think they're pretty.

Albums/Photos: It is nice to looking through photos which remind me of so many details. It's also fun to chat about "old times" with others who were there, too.

Dusk and dawn: They don't last long, but I love it when I'm aware of those times, especially when I am near by sea, lake, or am at one of my favorite restaurant here in the town.. Dusk and dawn have their own special sounds and light changes.
Candle chats: Something about sitting around a candles, talking and laughing with friends. 

Having a good memory: I'm quite good at keeping track of things and remembering certain kinds of details. Or at least I'm good at writing things down so I don't forget. Most of the time, anyway.

That Mom is making friends: Wherever she goes, she  has made some new friends. 

Being sensitive: Some folks may say I'm too sensitive at times, but in a way I'm glad, because that means I'm sensitive to other people's feelings, also. I'd rather be too sensitive than not sensitive enough.


Being me

Inspiration:Wherever it comes from, it made me to do this list! That was fun and felt good, too.

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