Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Different Perspectives from Man and Women

Tonight I remembered  meeting  Prof. Dr. Hikmet Ozcetin and what he said to me:"The smarter a woman becomes, the more difficult it is for her to find the right man.". He may be right about this...

And I would like to share..

a short article from one of the magazine....

I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection mentally; cause I need conversation and mental stimulation.

I do not need a simple minded man....

I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection spiritually; cause I do not need to be unequally yoked.

I need a man who is striving for perfection financially; cause i do not need a financial burden and take care of him.

I am looking for someone who is sensitive enough to understand what I go through as a woman; cause I do not want to explain him the process I go through. And I need a man who is strong enough to keep me grounded.

I am looking for someone who I can respect...

in order to be submissive. I must respect him.

I cannot be a submissive to a man who is not taking care of his business, his life etc.

I have no problem being submissive.

He just have to be worthy.

God made a woman to be help mate for man...(It goes both way, by the way)

I cannot help a man, if he cannot help himself.

Am I asking a lot?

Whatever you say is OK;cause "I am worth a lot"

And another article from a male perspective....

Men like smart women. I do. So how is it that all these successful men are not connecting with all these successful women?…

Because there’s much more going on than merely a meeting of the minds.

What never occurs to some women is that:

They’re being evaluated on far more than their most “impressive” traits.

These traits sometimes come with a significant downside that is painful to acknowledge.

Take me, for example. I’m a reasonably bright guy. I make a fair living. I can write a decent joke. These are my good traits. But right behind my good traits are a series of bad traits. Anyone reading this blog can see that:

The flip side of being bright is being opinionated.

The flip side of being analytical is being difficult.

The flip side of being funny is being sarcastic.

The flip side of having moral clarity is being arrogant.

The flip side of being entrepreneurial is being a workaholic.

The flip side of being charismatic is being self-centered.

Again, not EVERY person who is bright is opinionated, and not EVERY person who is funny is sarcastic.

But there’s enough anecdotal evidence to suggest a strong correlation. And I’m just talking about MYSELF here. And if my good qualities come with bad qualities, have you considered that yours might as well?

So when I hear a woman talk about how “direct” she is, the first thing I think is: “She’s tactless.”

Self-proclaimed “direct” people often tell their dates what they think about them even if the date didn’t ask.

They often try to change partners who have no desire to be changed. When the partner pulls away because he doesn’t want to be with someone so critical, the “direct” person concludes that he couldn’t appreciate her “honesty.”

If this makes you feel personally indicted, welcome to the club. I’m a “direct” person as well. I write things that are, to say the least, provocative…and yet I always get surprised when I receive angry emails from readers. Hey, I’m just being honest over here! What are you getting so upset about? ;-)

 See, there’s a price to pay for “being ourselves.” And if you’re going to express your opinion, you can’t be surprised if other people disagree with you. And if you’re trying to win each argument, you can’t be too shocked if he wants a woman who can be a little more acquiescent.

 Man, he’s not as concerned with whether she’s articulate and on track to make partner at the law firm. That’s what women want in men and they assume it’s of equal importance to them. It’s generally not. Men DO value intelligence, but they also want from their girlfriend what they CAN’T get from their business associates. Warmth, affection, nurturing, thoughtfulness. If he finds himself constantly hearing all the things he needs to change, he may just determine that he wants a bright woman who is less challenging. Not a Stepford Wife. Not a bimbo. Not a maid. Just someone who makes his life EASIER and more pleasant.

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