Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What to do for a burn?

Spending several hours at the hospital, I decided to write something about burn. If hot liquids spill on your body,the best thing is cold water. Keep it in cool water until the initial burning stops-20 minutes under the tap is ideal. Make sure the burn area get cold. Do not use better, milk, vinegar, toothpaste, or ice.. Depending on the size of the burn and the extent of the burn, you may need to go to the ER. If it is as big as your palm (not including your fingers) and the skin is blistered you need to go to the ER. If the skin was taken off immediately, ER. If it is just red, you'll be okay, that is a 1st degree burn which is similar to a sunburn. After it feels like the burning has stopped, and the pain has gone to a more throbbing pain, then you can put ointment (bacitracin zinc-this is what my doctor  prescribed me) on it. If you have a second degree burn like me, you should clean it everyday with mild soap and water like Dial. Because broken blisters increases the risk of infections. Then, use cream on it whatever your doctor prescribed to you/ you bought it (Ointment will make the healing process much faster). Usually, a non-stick pad is applied over the cream (I recommend Telfa). Wrap gauze the around the burn to prevent bacteria and infections. Take some pain relievers to decrease the pain on your legs. 2nd degree burns usually take longer to heal (about 10 days- 3 weeks). It usually doesn't scar with proper care.

This process makes 2nd degree burns to heal much faster. Go to your doctor to check for infections(and they might also cut the dead skin, showing nice pink skin). From then on, healing of the skin will be much faster and you'll have new baby skin (that's what my doctor told me, so I'm excited for that lol.)

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